Call for Paper (IF 5.9, JCR 1区):征稿截止2025年2月1日
Artificial Intelligence of Things for Future Communication Networks 专刊客编 🔹Juan Miguel Aguado, University of Murcia 🔹María del Mar Grandío, University of Murcia 🔹Jason J. Whalley, Northumbria University 专刊信息 该专刊开设在SCIE&SSCI期刊 Telecommunications Policy (ISSN: 0308-5961; IF 5.9),该期刊在SSCI中的COMMUNICATION领域、INFORMATION SCIENCE & LIBRARY SCIENCE领域、SCIE中的TELECOMMUNICATIONS领域均位列一区,排名靠前。在中科院的三个学科领域位二区。 学科背景 20 多年来,数字媒体生态系统经历了广泛的技术适应和变革。人工智能是影响数字媒体生态系统的最新技术,它在数字媒体价值链的各个方面都带来了前所未有的颠覆性变化。当前的应用(如生成式人工智能)引发了人们对其对知识产权的影响以及文化多样性和真实性如何产生的担忧。人们对人工智能的使用也产生了道德担忧,涉及深度伪造、虚假信息和内容可追溯性等问题。 投稿时间 Submission Deadline: 2 February 2025 征稿主题包括但不限于以下内容 🔹Historical review of AI research and its impact on digital media and creative industries; 🔹Analysis and research on the impact of AI in media production and media workflows; 🔹Analysis and research on the impact of AI in media business models, with emphasis in monetization strategies, distribution models and revenue streams; 🔹Analysis of the role of AI in the sustainability of emerging AI-driven media business models; 🔹Analysis and research on AI based social and/or sustainable innovation in the media ecosystem; 🔹Systematic and or comprehensive review on the implications of AI in copyright and intellectual property related regulation; 🔹Ethical and regulatory aspects of AI in the media sector; 🔹Content and media related public policies in the European and national contexts; 🔹Research on the impact of AI in the user generated content ecosystem and the popularization of “AI assisted creativity”; 🔹Theoretical and empirical background on AI and content consumption, media reception and policy, social or approaches to digital media content usage; 🔹Analysis and research on the interdependence between technology players and media industry players in the context of integrating AI-based solutions; 🔹Studies on the interdependences between regulation and policy in the technology sector and in the media sphere; 🔹Research on AI-driven disinformation from a business and/or techno-economic ecosystems perspective; 期刊分析 CAR指数: CAR指数是一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数, CAR指数低于5%设定为低风险,处于5-10%被认为是中风险,大于10%为高风险。从网站(的检索结果来看, TelecommunicationsPolicy 期刊在2022-2024年的CAR指数均低于0.1%,为低风险水平。 中科院预警情况: 从2020年到2024年2月,Telecommunications Policy 期刊连续四年并未进入中国科学院《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》名单。 影响因子发展趋势: 在JCR的影响因子变化趋势图中可以看到,从2015到2024年, Telecommunications Policy 期刊的影响因子水平有上涨的趋势,整体状态较好。 期刊年发文趋势: 通过在WOS数据库检查期刊近五年的发文数据, Telecommunications Policy 期刊的年发文自2021年起年发文保持在100篇左右。在近五年的发文中,国内学者发文占比16.2%,是受国内优秀研究者们所青睐的一区期刊。