
2020-02-13 2296

SCI论文引言部分的写作难度仅次于文章的讨论部分。引言类似于一个短篇综述, 有严密的逻辑结构和行文规范。一篇SCI论文引言部分的字数一般为500字左右, 大多分为四到五段。一般引言部分分四步走:

第一部分,简要综述该研究在过去和现在的研究现状和背景, 用文献总结概括, 同时要注意引用的文献和数据的准确性和时效性;

第二部分,重点回顾与本课题相关的重要研究, 为本研究做铺垫和导向;

第三部分,俗称“找茬儿”, 要客观公正的评价以往研究中存在的局限性, 引出自己研究的重要性;


SCI论文引言部分写作一般采用现在时, 但前人的工作和发现要用过去时撰写。下面我们就帮大家总结一下SCI写作中引言部分的高频词和词组。

第一部分 简要综述以往和现在研究

1. 某疾病被“认为”如何如何:is known to, it is well known that, be regarded as, is characterized by, is believed to, it is generally acknowledged that, in general, it has been shown that, have been implicated

2. 某病因“很重要”:one of the leading causes

3. 某因素“很常见”:the most common form of, make it one of the most common

4. “大量”研究, 数目的表示方法:a massive number of, several, various, hundreds of, major,  the large amount, multiple, many, a series of, a total of, a set of, diverse, extensive , an increasing body of, a wide range of, multiple, a large number of, majority, a variety of , thousands of

5. “少量”研究, 数目的表示方法:only a small percentage, the limited number, several

6. “研究”的N种表示方法:research studies, research, study, recent studies, prior studies, previous studies

7. 研究“揭示”“表明”可以怎么描述:reveal, report ,  found, suggested, postulate, proposed, indicate, have shown that, implicated

8. 在过去的一段时间, 如何表达:during recent decades, recently ,  the past decades, in recent years, currently, more recently

9. “基于”某某理论、技术, 如何“基于”:based primarily on,  underlying, is determined by

10. 导致, 引导,造成的N种表示方法:lead to, result in, is attributed to, cause, contribute to

11. 如何花式“夸”现在以往的研究:more precise treatment,  facilitate more accurate detection,  increased the accuracy of the prognosis, wide acceptance, has the potential to, provide insight into, with the recent advances, allow for a better understanding of, These results suggest,  prior studies have largely focused on

12. 越来越受到关注:there has been increasingly more attention, with the increasing appreciation, has inspired the development, With the rapid emergence of, recent findings that have greatly increased the number of;


1. 有“相关性”的相关表达:are (strongly) associated with,  correlated with, related to,  provides a key link

2. “类似的”:likewise,  more likely to

3. 下结论,“因此”的表示方法:therefore, hence, thus, consequently

4. 举例的各种表达汇总:such as, for example, for instance,  in another example

5.  解释原因:be largely explained by, mainly because of, due mainly to, caused by, is an important factor, a key factor, a result of, part of the reason for their discovery was that,  is the major cause of,  a major source for , the result of

6. 引起读者注意的逻辑副词:clearly, notably, accordingly, Unfortunately, typically, importantly, indeed,  in particular,  remarkably, Intriguingly,  in fact, unexpectedly

7. 某研究很重要,如何描述“重要”:play a significant role, crucial, important, valuable, are sensitive to

8. 综合/整合的表示方法: integrative, comprehensive, incorporating, comprised of, including,  as a whole


1. “转折”之后,开始“找茬儿”,如何表示“转折”:despite, however, still, since, while whereby,  yet,  though,  although, nonetheless

2. 过去的研究、观点:In the past debate, modern view, in the prevailing view, in the recent literature, in the past, a prior study , previously, previous analyses

3. “现在/ 最近”的描述方式:presently,  until recently,  in studies to date

4.  研究的不足的委婉表达:lacking, challenging even, remain poorly understood, have been difficult to, there is no clear indication, has not yet been fully investigated, despite these advances, it can be difficult to infer, it is unknown whether, little is known about, remain poorly understood, there were a few clues toward, it has remained a significant challenge to dissect, the strategy is challenging to ; these observations underscore the importance of , have not been adequately performed

5. 引导文章主题,“需要”继续探索的表达方式:there is a need to, there are further reasons to, here we sought to, there remains a need for new methodology

6. 与之相反的表达方式:in contrast, there was a controversy, whereas

7. 与之一致的表达方式:largely consistent with, Combined with

8. 逻辑连接词:in addition, additionally, moreover, furthermore, also, eventually Consequently;firstly,  secondly,  finally; first,  second,  third; On the other hand

9. 已有研究的“评价、描述”:variable, abolishable, simple, suitable, well established, accuracy, available, precise, facile and informative, effective


1. “研究目的”如何描述:aim to, with the aim to, the purpose of this study is to

2. “在本研究中”的表达:in this work, in this test, our work, our present study, in this context, current research, our study, here

3.  研究的一系列“动作”动词汇总:dissect, consider, sampled,  classified, identified, showed,  compared, constructed, distinguish, explore, applied, hypothesized, used, applied, measured, validated, implement, promote, enable, allow, examine, investigate, tested, exploit, assessed, evaluated, model, hypothesized, assign, set out, carry out, analyze, screen, report, portraits, establish, develop, utilize, report, carried out, hypothesized, observed

4. “解决问题”的表达方法:to address this limitation, to investigate this question, to overcome these difficulties, motivated by this earlier work, In order to better characterize, would be expected to provide an opportunity to discover, to understand the potential role of, to demonstrate the performance and utility of this method,

5. 亟需的花式表达:with large unmet medical needs, further necessitating new therapeutic strategies, it is important to determine, in order to better inform treatment decisions,

6.  研究价值的展望的描述:suggest several potential determinants of, provide insights into, inform the future diagnosis and therapy




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