
2022-07-16 7106


  《食品科学》,Food Science

  《武汉大学学报(信息科学版)》,Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University

  《环境科学》,Environmental Science

  《兵工学报》,Acta Armamentarii

  《表面技术》,Surface Technology

  《岩土工程学报》,Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

  《计算机研究与发展》,Computer Research and Development

  《哈尔滨工程大学学报》,Journal of Harbin Engineering University

  《工程科学与技术》,Advanced Engineering Science

  《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》,Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis

  《湖南大学学报》,Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences

  《通信学报》,Journal on Communications

  《雷达学报》,Journal of Radars

  《农业工程学报》,Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering

  《桥梁建设》,Bridge Construction

  《航空动力学报》,Journal of Aerospace Power

  《工程热物理学报》,Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

  《材料导报》,Materials Review

  《西安交通大学学报》,Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University

  《清华大学学报》,Journal of Tsinghua University (Science and Technology)

  《岩石学报》,Acta Petrologica Sinica

  《西南交通大学学报》,Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University

  《燃料化学学报》,Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology

  《地质学报》,Acta Geologica Sinica

  《纺织学报》,Journal of Textile Research

  《交通运输系统工程与信息》,Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology

  《同济大学学报 (自然科学版)》,Journal of Tongji University

  《交通运输工程学报》,Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering

  《地学前缘》,Earth Science Frontiers

  《振动工程学报》,Journal of Vibration Engineering

  《物理学报》,Acta Physica Sinica

  《石油与天然气地质》,Oil and Gas Geology

  《生物医学工程学杂志》,Journal of Biomedical Engineering

  《北京邮电大学学报》,Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  《高等学校化学学报》,Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities

  《光学精密工程》,Optics and Precision Engineering

  《复合材料学报》,Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica

  《电机与控制学报》,Electric Machines and Control

  《无机材料学报》,Journal of Inorganic Materials

  《精细化工》,Fine Chemicals

  《光谱学与光谱分析》,Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis

  《光学学报》,Acta Optica Sinica

  《金属学报》,Acta Metallurgica Sinica

  《地球与行星物理》,Earth and Planetary Physics

  《红外与激光工程》,Infrared and Laser Engineering

  《电工技术学报》,Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society

  《建筑材料学报》,Journal of Building Materials

  《中国稀土学报》,Journal of the Chinese Rare Earth Society

  《爆炸与冲击》,Explosion and Shock Waves

  《石油地球物理勘探》,Oil Geophysical Prospecting

  《电力自动化设备》,Electric Power Automation Equipment

  《机械工程学报》,Journal of Mechanical Engineering

  《航空学报》,Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica

  《铁道学报》,Journal of the China Railway Society

  《发光学报》,Chinese Journal of Luminescence

  《硅酸盐学报》,Journal of the Chinese Ceramic Society


  《中国食品学报》,Journal of Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology

  《仪器仪表学报》,Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument

  《计算机辅助设计与图形学学报》,Journal of ComputerAided Design and Computer Graphics

  《中国科学 技术科学(中文)》,Scientia Sinica Technologica

  《光子学报》,Acta Photonica Sinica

  《计算机集成制造系统》,Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS

  《水科学进展》,Advances in Water Science

  《系统工程与电子技术》,Systems Engineering and Electronics

  《高分子材料科学与工程》,Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering

  《食品科学技术学报》,Journal of Food Science and Technology (China)

  《中国铁道科学》,China Railway Science

  《建筑结构学报》,Journal of Building Structures

  《天津大学学报》,Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology

  《北京航空航天大学学报》,Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  《应用基础与工程科学学报》,Journal of Basic Science and Engineering

  《地理学报》,Acta Geographica Sinica

  《质谱学报》,Journal of Chinese Mass Spectrometry Society

  《吉林大学学报(工学版)》,Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition)

  《中国电机工程学报》,Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering

  《地震地质》,Seismology and Geology

  《电力系统保护与控制》,Power System Protection and Control

  《石油学报》,Acta Petrolei Sinica

  《铁道工程学报》,Journal of Railway Engineering Society

  《材料工程》,Journal of Materials Engineering

  《中国石油大学学报》,Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science)

  《地球物理学报》,Chinese Journal of Geophysics (Acta Geophysica Sinica)

  《上海交通大学学报》,Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University

  《大地构造与成矿学》,Geotectonica et Metallogenia

  《系统工程理论与实践》,System Engineering Theory and Practice

  《中国激光》,Chinese Journal of Lasers

  《中国惯性技术学报》,Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology

  《中国有色金属学报》,Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals

  《控制与决策》,Control and Decision

  《宇航学报》,Journal of Astronautics

  《控制理论与应用》,Control Theory and Applications

  《计算机学报》,Chinese Journal of Computers

  《中国造船》,Ship Building of China

  《焊接学报》,Transactions of the China Welding Institution

  《电子科技大学学报》,Journal of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

  《岩土力学》,Rock and Soil Mechanics

  《东北大学学报》,Journal of Northeastern University

  《哈尔滨工业大学学报》,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology

  《新型碳材料》,New Carbon Materials

  《推进技术》,Journal of Propulsion Technology

  《农业机械学报》,Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery

  《中国表面工程》,China Surface Engineering

  《天然气工业》,Natural Gas Industry

  《含能材料》,Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials

  《采矿与安全工程学报》,Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering

  《华南理工大学学报 自然科学版》,Journal of South China University of Technology (Natural Science)

  《高校化学工程学报》,Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities

  《分析化学》,Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry

  《声学学报》,Acta Acustica

  《林业科学》,Scientia Silvae Sinicae

  《地球科学:中国地质大学学报》,Earth Science Journal of China University of Geosciences

  《中国矿业大学学报》,Journal of China University of Mining and Technology

  《力学学报(英文版)》,Acta Mechanica Sinica


  《岩石力学与工程学报》,Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering

  《太阳能学报》,Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica

  《化工学报》,CIESC Journal

  《火炸药学报》,Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants

  《石油学报: 石油加工》,Acta Petrolei Sinica (Petroleum Processing Section)

  《北京理工大学学报》,Transaction of Beijing Institute of Technology

  《测绘学报》,Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica

  《中国机械工程》,China Mechanical Engineering

  《工程力学》,Engineering Mechanics

  《中国光学》,Chinese Optics

  《力学学报》,Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

  《水利学报》,Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

  《核动力工程》,Nuclear Power Engineering

  《红外与毫米波学报》,Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves

  《分析试验室》,Chinese Journal of Analysis Laboratory

  《中国环境科学》,China Environmental Science

  《材料研究学报》,Chinese Journal of Materials Research

  《振动与冲击》,Journal of Vibration and Shock

  《水资源保护》,Water Resources Protection

  《石油勘探与开发》,Petroleum Exploration and Development

  《科学通报(中文)》,Chinese Science Bulletin

  《西北工业大学学报》,Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University

  《中国科学:材料科学(英文版)》,SCIENCE CHINA Materials

  《电力系统自动化》,Automation of Electric Power Systems

  《煤炭学报》,Journal of the China Coal Society

  《电子学报》,Acta Electronica Sinica

  《东南大学学报 (自然科学版)》,Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition)

  《船舶力学》,Journal of Ship Mechanics

  《国防科技大学学报》,Journal of National University of Defense Technology

  《原子能科学技术》,Atomic Energy Science and Technology

  《铁道科学与工程学报》,Journal of Railway Science and Engineering

  《湖泊科学》,Journal of Lake Sciences

  《电网技术》,Power System Technology

  《汽车工程》,Automotive Engineering

  《软件学报》,Journal of Software

  《中南大学学报 (自然科学版)》,Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)

  《华中科技大学学报 自然科学版》,Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition)

  《内燃机学报》,Transactions of CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines)

  《力学进展》,Advances in Mechanics

  《中国公路学报》,China Journal of Highway and Transport

  《稀有金属材料与工程》,Rare Metal Materials and Engineering

  《光电进展》,Opto-Electronic Advances

  《电子与信息学报》,Journal of Electronics and Information Technology

  《振动测试与诊断》,Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis

  《自动化学报》,Acta Automatica Sinica

  《化工进展》,Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress

  《西安电子科技大学学报》,Journal of Xidian University

  《通信与信息网络学报》,Journal of Communications and Information Networks

  《稀有金属》,Chinese Journal of Rare Metals

  《工程科学学报》,Chinese Journal of Engineering

  《遥感学报》,Journal of Remote Sensing

  《浙江大学学报 (工学版)》,Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science)

  《高电压技术》,High Voltage Engineering

  《土木工程学报》,China Civil Engineering Journal



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