AINIT 2022 - 新增主讲嘉宾:吕智慧教授


Prof. Zhihui Lu

School of Computer Science, Fudan University


Prof. Zhihui Lu is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Fudan University. 2004.7 Worked in Fudan University after graduating with a doctorate in computer science. 2009.10-2010.10 Visiting Scholar in the Department of Computer Science, Yale University.

Currently, he is the head of the Distributed System Monitoring and Management Research Office of the Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education for Network Information Security Audit and Monitoring, a key member of the Shanghai Blockchain Engineering Technology Research Center, an expert member of the Shanghai Content Distribution Network Engineering Technology Research Center, and China Information Expert member of the cloud computing standard working group of the Technical Standardization Committee, representative of the DMTF Distributed System Management Technology International Standards Organization University member, IEEE member, Vice Chairman of the International Service Computing Society Young Scientist Forum 2015-2016 China, Senior Member of the China Computer Federation, CCF Service Computing Member of the special committee, member of China Communications Society, member of Shanghai Computer Society,

2022/09/19 14:18
AINIT 2022 - Final Call:9月18日截稿
AINIT 2022进入最后征稿阶段,最终截稿日为2022年9月18日,欲投从速,特此通知!

2022/09/14 09:16
AINIT 2022 - 新增主讲嘉宾:陶梅霞教授


Prof. Meixia Tao

IEEE Fellow,Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Meixia Tao is a Professor with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. She received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 2003. Her current research interests include wireless edge learning, coded caching, reconfigurable intelligence surfaces, and physical layer multicasting. Dr. Tao is an IEEE Fellow, the recipient of the 2019 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper awards and the 2013 IEEE Heinrich Hertz Award for Best Communications Letters. She also receives the first prize of the 2020 Shanghai Natural Science Award.

2022/09/07 09:51
AINIT 2022-评优奖励通知




A. 已注册论文的作者,需线下参会并做口头报告

B. 最佳论文奖将由程序委员会综合评选




A. 仅针对海报展示的作者,需要线下参会

B. 最佳海报奖将由大会组委及大会嘉宾综合评选


A. 最佳论文奖励200元/人

B. 优秀青年学者报告奖励500/人


D. 奖金不叠加,会后凭获奖证书咨询会议负责老师领取

*最终解释权归AINIT 2022组委会



2022/08/25 16:16
AINIT 2022 - 新增主讲嘉宾:Dr Arun Balodi


Dr Arun Balodi

Visvesvaraya Technological University

Dr Arun Balodi, Senior Member IEEE, Fellow IETE, Life Member ISTE is currently working as Professor & Head at Atria Institute of Technology in Bangalore, India. He was awarded Gold Medal in M. Tech., and the Academic Excellence award in the year 2010 and 2011. His research area in Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence. 

He is an active researcher and reviewer for various indexed Journals and Conferences and given various technical talks. He has actively participated in more than 22 FDPs and more than 100 webinars and conducted workshops in the domain of Signal and Image Processing. He is currently advising IEEE Student Branch at Atria Institute of Technology, Bangalore, for the IEEE Bangalore Section.

2022/08/11 17:59
AINIT 2022 - 已通过SPIE出版审核!

SPIE logo.png

第三届人工智能、网络与信息技术国际学术会议(AINIT 2022)已通过SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering (ISSN: 0277-786X)出版审核,最终所录用的论文将被统一提交出版社处理,见刊后提交至 EI Compendex、Scopus检索。

2022/08/10 17:12