2023 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering  (Confluence)

2023 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering (Confluence)
2023/01/19 - 2023/01/20

Welcome to Confluence-2023:13th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering

The pace of change has become blisteringly fast. There is technology in everything and everywhere. Every now and then a new technology pops up in the market. Computer Science and Information Technology have a profound influence on all branches of science, engineering, management as well. This event is dedicated to technical symposia, tutorial and workshop sessions. Technical symposia include oral or poster presentation of research papers grouped into parallel tracks. Workshops, tutorials, Keynote talks from experts, panel discussions are also included in the program schedule of the conference.

THEME : Confluence-2023 - Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering


All accepted & presented papers of the Conference by duly registered authors, will be submitted to IEEE Xplore Digital Library for Publication.

The idea of the conference is to bring the scholars, scientists, industrialists from all over the world in the IT industry to a common platform and achieve the following:

  • To present the ongoing researches in the field and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry.

  • Give participants a review of the latest and upcoming trends in the next few years.

  • Exposing the audience to the need for more development and research in the field and with it the growing need for IT security.

  • Provide an opportunity to the delegates to share their new ideas and the application experiences face to face.

Past Conference Keynote & Distinguished Speakers / Guests



Call For Papers

Amity School of Engineering and Technology (ASET), one of the pioneer institutions in the field of Engineering, Research and Technology is organizing its Confluence-2023 : 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering. Confluence-2023 intends to bring together Professionals, Academicians, Industry Experts, Researchers and Enthusiasts to discuss various emerging trends and innovations, share research results and new directions in the field of next generation technologies. This technical conference aims at providing a platform for industry and academia for sharing advancements in research and development in upcoming areas of Information Technology. Authors are cordially invited to submit paper through on line paper submission process (Easy Chair submission system) before 31st October 2022  

Instructions For Authors
  • Original papers based on theoretical or experimental works related to the above mentioned sub themes are solicited for presentation in the conference. The paper should begin with title, short abstract and a list of keywords. Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other conferences/journals) are not allowed.

  • All papers must follow strict IEEE formatting instructions

  • Please do not submit plagiarized papers.

  • The total length of the paper must not exceed six A4 size pages including bibliography and appendices. Paper must be in .PDF

  • All the papers will be submitted through on-line paper submission process (Easy chair submission system). Authors are requested to follow paper submission link on website.

Copy Right Form:

In order to publish paper in the conference proceeding, the authors are required to submit a signed copyright form for each accepted paper during registration.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline :
30th November 2022

Acceptance Notification
20th December 2022

Camera Ready Paper Submission Deadline :
30th December 2022

Last Date of Registration :
31th December 2022

We look forward to a mutually rewarding and long lasting association with you and your esteemed organization.

Contact Us:

Authors can scan the code to add conference teachers and send IEEE for submission consultation咨询销售-廖舒淇.png
