2022 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics


2022 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics

October 4 – 6, 2022
The conference will be conducted virtually.

The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) is the premier international meeting on microwave photonic devices, systems, and applications.

The Conference topics cover all the multi-disciplinary applications of microwave-photonics: the fiber distribution of microwave and millimeter-wave signals, the implementation of new microwave functions (long delays lines, fast spectrum analysis, frequency conversion, low phase-noise oscillators, ultra-fast analog-to-digital converters), and the development of high-speed optical sources, modulators and detectors with bandwidths extending into the millimeter-wave region.


General Chair: Arthur Paolella (a.paolella@ieee.org)
General Co-chair Europe: Antonella Bagoni (antonella.bogoni@cnit.it)
General Co-chair Asia-Pacific: Moritz Merklein (moritz.merklein@sydney.edu.au)

Technical Program Committee Chair: Charles Middleton (cmiddleton@criticalfrequency.com)
TPC Co-chair Europe: José Capmany (jcapmany@iteam.upv.es)
TPC Co-chair Asia-Pacific: Thas A Nirmalathas (nirmalat@unimelb.edu.au)
TPC Co-chair America: Steve Ralph (stephen.ralph@ece.gatech.edu)

Exhibit Chair: Arthur Paolella (a.paolella@ieee.org)

Finance: Raul Ortega (rortega@ieee.org)

Student Paper Competition: Eduardo Rojas (ROJASE1@erau.edu)

Chair, IEEE Region 3 Conference Committee/Webmaster: Eric S. Ackerman, Ph.D. (e.ackerman@ieee.org)

José Azaña, INRS Montreal
Ileana-Cristina Benea-Chelmus, Harvard University
John Bowers, UCSB
Guillaume Ducournau, IEMN, University of Lille-CNRS
Mabel Fok, University of Georgia
Atsushi Kanno, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Tetsuya Kawanishi, Waseda University
Jiang Li, hQphotonics
Christian Reimer, HyperLight Corporation
Yeshpal Singh, Birmingham University


The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics is the premier international meeting on microwave photonic devices, systems, and applications.

The broadband, low-loss transmission capability of optical fiber links has led to much interest in their use in the distribution and control of microwave and millimeter-wave signals. Application areas include antenna remoting for wireless data and cellular radio systems, optically controlled phased array antennas, optical processing of microwave signals and broadband cable television distribution. Photonics enables new microwave system functions such as long delays lines, fast spectrum analysis, frequency conversion, probing and control of microwave devices, low phase-noise oscillators, and ultra-fast analog-to-digital converters. Conversely, microwave techniques are enabling new generations of optical communication systems with capabilities exceeding 1 Tb/s/fiber.

Associated with the evolution of these systems is the development of high-speed optical sources, modulators and detectors with bandwidths extending into the millimeter-wave region.

The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics provides a forum for the presentation of new advances in this multi-disciplinary research area, ranging from novel devices to systems field trials. It is held annually and rotates between the Americas, the Asia-Pacific region and Europe.

The International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics co-sponsored by the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, the IEEE Photonics Society, and the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan.


Radio over fiber for 5G/6G and beyond

Photonic integrated circuits

Applications of MWP in aerospace and space systems

Thin Film Lithium Niobate devices and integration technology

Advanced signal processing techniques

MWP sensing technology

THz devices, circuits, and systems

Optical wireless transmission systems and applications

High-speed MWP signal sources

High-speed photo-mixers and optoelectronic converters

Emerging materials and device technology

Time and frequency sources and transfer

Quantum applications of MWP

Call for Papers – EXTENDED TO JULY 24.

Paper submission opening: Sunday, May 15

Paper submission deadline: Sunday, July 10

Registration system opening: TBD

Notification of acceptance: Early-August

Author registration deadline: Thursday, September 1

Presentation videos due: Thursday, September 1

Preparing Your Paper

Please use the following templates provided by IEEE when preparing your paper. Note that the final paper must be in Portable Document Format (PDF). The paper should have at least 2 pages and must not exceed 4 pages.

Please note that every registered Speaker can present a maximum of two papers.

Word Template

LaTeX Template

For converting your source files (Word, LaTeX, etc.) to PDF, we strongly recommend you use IEEE PDF eXpress™, a free service for submissions. IEEE PDF eXpress™ will accept your source files and create a pdf file in accordance with the IEEE guidelines (Conversion function) or, it will check your own PDF for IEEE Xplore compatibility (PDF Check function).

Note that IEEE PDF eXpress™ converts or checks the file, but you still must submit the final (converted) pdf file to the MWP2022 submission site.

To convert your document to PDF or to check your PDF file now.

The 2-4 page paper should be typed single space with one-inch margins on all four sides. Charts, illustrations, and figures must fit within the 2-4 page paper specification.

The 150-word Abstract will be used for publication in the program. Over length abstracts will not be accepted and will affect your ability to successfully submit your work.

The 2-4 page summary will be published in the Conference Proceedings if accepted. It must be submitted as a PDF file and an IEEE Copyright Form must be completed. 


Author Notification/Copyright Agreement

Notifications are sent to the corresponding authors only.

A copyright agreement form must be completed if your paper is accepted.

If your paper is accepted, you will be prompted to log in to the submission site to complete the IEEE Electronic Copyright Form (eCF) at a later date. Failure to complete the copyright form will result in your paper being withheld from IEEE Xplore.

This form allows IEEE the right to use, distribute, publish, exhibit, digitize, broadcast, reproduce, and archive, in any format or medium, whether now known or hereafter developed any materials, including written, audio and visual works.

Technical papers received outside the electronic submission site will not be accepted. Revisions will only be accepted up until the paper submission deadline.

Electronic Submission

Authors are asked to provide vital pieces of information, including, but not limited to the paper title, presentation type, and a 150-word abstract, as well as all authors’ contact information. This information must be completed in its entirety; failure to do so may inhibit your ability to successfully complete your submission.

Paper Rejections

Adherence to the instructions for preparation of the abstract and summary is imperative. Any of the following conditions may result in rejection of the paper:

1. Failure to submit the paper electronically by the submission deadline.
2. Failure to submit the 150-word abstract.
3. Failure to complete a copyright agreement.
4. Paper summary exceeds the 2-4 page limit.

*The IEEE Xplore proceedings will contain only papers presented at the conference.

*Reviewer comments will not be provided to authors.

Submit Paper Here 

All questions related to submissions should be directed to Tracy Holle at t.holle@ieee.org
