2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET)

2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET)
2023/05/19 - 2023/05/21

2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies (GlobConET)

2023年IEEE IAS新兴技术全球会议(GlobConET)

Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline: January 31, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: March 15, 2023
Regular Registration due: March 30, 2023
Conference Dates: May 19-21, 2023

Location: Loughborough University, London, India

Conference introduction:

GlobConET will provide an opportunity to the practicing engineers, academicians and researchers to meet in a forum to discuss various issues and its future direction of various Emerging Technologies of allied areas of Industry Applications Society. The conference aims to put together the experts from the relevant areas to disseminate their knowledge and experience for the relevant future research scope. The conference is 100 % financially sponsored by IEEE Industry Application Society USA and technically sponsored by eight top Universities across world. There are 10 tracks in the conference covering almost all areas of Industry Applications Society.

Organizing Committee:

Dr. Rabindra Nath Shaw

Chair,GlobConET 2023

Dr.Varuna De-Silva

Local Organizing Committee Chair, GlobConET 2023

Call for Papers:

Conference Tracks:
Track I. Smart Cities
Track II. Renewable Energy technologies including hydrogen
Track III. Modern Power Electronics, Drives & Control, Electric Vehicles
Track IV. Big data, Cloud Computing and Quantum Computing
Track V. Industry 4.0
Track VI. 5G Technology
Track VII. Robot, UAV, and Unmanned Vehicle Technologies
Track VIII. AI, AIoT, IIoT, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning
Track IX. Applications of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors
Track X. Cyber Security

All the acceptedand presented papers willbe eligible for submission toIEEE HQ for publication in theform ofe-proceedings in IEEEXplore Which indexed with world'sleading Abstracting & Indexing (A&I)databases,including ISI/ SCOPUSDBLP/ EI-Compendex/GoogleScholar.

Contact Us:

Authors can scan the code to add conference teachers and send IEEE for submission consultation咨询销售-廖舒淇.png
