The communication systems department of EURECOM is organizing the 8th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS 2023) to be held on 14-16 June 2023 in Nice, France.
In line with the previous conferences in Rome (2009), Leuven (2011), Dresden (2013), Budapest (2015), Naples (2017), Krakow (2019), and Munich (2021), MT-ITS 2023 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from across Europe and the rest of the world to discuss emerging trends and developments in modelling and technology for ITS, to present state-of-the-art updates and to facilitate cross-fertilization between these two key areas of transportation systems. Attendees will experience a friendly and creative environment involving experts from science, industry and the public sector.
Jérôme Härri – EURECOM, France
Ludovic Leclercq – University Gustave Eiffel / ENTPE, Lyon, France
Claudio Roncoli, Aalto University, Finland
Eleni Vlahogianni – NTUA, Greece
Oliver Michler – TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Rafał Kucharski – Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Domokos Esztergár-Kiss – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
Gaetano Fusco – University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Marzano Vittorio – University of Naples Federico II
Simonelli Fulvio – University of Naples Federico II
Francesco Viti – University of Luxembourg
Constantinos Antoniou – Technical University of Munich
Jérôme Härri – EURECOM
Serge Hoogendoorn – TU Delft, the Netherlands
Arnaud de la Fortelle – MINES ParisTech, Paris, France
Jack Haddad – Technion–Israel Institute of Technology
Contributions from prospective authors in any aspects of modeling and technologies for ITS are welcome, related to passenger and freight transportation and to all transportation modes, including but not limited to the following topics:
Connected Cooperative & Autonomous/Automated Mobility
Traffic flow modelling and traffic control modeling
Analysis, modeling and control of mixed/automated traffic
ITS solutions for transport policies and transport analysis
Model calibration, simulation and tools for ITS
ITS and multimodal transportation systems
ITS and public transport
ITS and freight systems
ITS and big data
ITS and Equity
ITS and vulnerable road users
AI applications in ITS
ITS and smart cities
Future mobility data collection
ITS/ICT and health
MaaS and emerging trends in mobility
Sustainable mobility
ITS for safer roads and mobility
Rail operations and management
5G/6G for ITS
Notification of acceptance : January 30th, 2023
Final paper and early registration: February 28th, 2023
Conference: June 14-16, 2023
Authors can scan the code to add conference teachers and send IEEE for submission consultation