IEEE EUROCON 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Technologies

IEEE EUROCON 2023 - 20th International Conference on Smart Technologies
2023/07/06 - 2023/07/08

EUROCON is a major international forum for the exchange of ideas, theory basics, design methodologies, techniques and experimental results between academia, research institutions and practitioners from industry. It covers all fields of electrical and electronic engineering, ICT and computer science covered by IEEE Societies.

IEEE EUROCON 2023 is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 (the largest region of IEEE, including Europe, Africa, and Middle East). IEEE EUROCON 2023 provides a unique opportunity to bring together researchers and practitioners from different fields, to discuss on the latest developments in these fields and promote cross-disciplinary interactions needed in today’s engineering activities. IEEE Eurocon 2023 is the 20th edition or the Eurocon Conferences.

IEEE Eurocon 2023 is 70% sponsored by the IEEE Italy Section and 30% by the IEEE Region 8 (R8). In addition to technical papers, further activities will promote tutorials, industry-academia interactions, women in engineering events, engagement of students and young professionals, and recruitment of IEEE members and student members.


Honorary Chair
Vincenzo Piuri, Region 8 Director 2023-2024, University of Milan

General Chairs
Gianfranco Chicco, Politecnico di Torino
Sergio Rapuano, University of Sannio

Steering Committee Chairs
Tiziana Tambosso, IEEE Region 8 Conference Committee
Ermanno Cardelli, University of Perugia
Bernardo Tellini, University of Pisa

Technical Program Committee Chairs
Vice-Chair, IEEE Italy Section
Sabrina Grassini, Politecnico di Torino

Publicity Chairs
Gaetano Zizzo, University of Palermo
Enrico Pons, Politecnico di Torino


The scope of IEEE EUROCON 2023 includes a widespread set of topics falling into the following areas: Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Antennas and Propagation, Biometrics, Computer, Computational Intelligence, Control Systems, Dielectric and Electrical Insulation, Electron Devices, Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Industry Applications, Industrial Electronics, Instrumentation and Measurement, Information Theory, Magnetics, Microwave Theory and Techniques, Nuclear and Plasma Sciences, Power Electronics, Power & Energy, Photonics, Reliability, Robotics and Automation, Sensors, Signal Processing, System Man and Cybernetics, Solid State Circuits, Superconductivity, Systems Engineering, Technology and Engineering Management, and Vehicular Technology & Communications.


Prospective Authors of papers are invited to submit a paper (typically 4-6 pages in standard IEEE two-column format) via EDAS by suggesting the related Track and Technical Session. The paper should contain a complete description of the proposed contribution along with results, suitably framed in the related state of the art. Each paper will be reviewed in terms of relevance with respect to the scope of the event, originality and quality of the technical content, overall organization and writing style.

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