第五届计算机、遥感与航空航天国际学术会议(CRSA 2025)
2025 5th International Conference on Computer, Remote Sensing and Aerospace (CRSA 2025)
中国-济南 | 2025年7月4-6日
大会时间: 2025年7月4-6日
第五届计算机、遥感与航空航天国际学术会议(CRSA 2025)将于2025年7月4-6日在中国济南举行。计算机、遥感与航空航天国际学术会议为来自世界各地的研究学者、工程师、学会会员以及相关领域的专家们提供一个关于“计算机科学”、“遥感技术与应用”与“航空航天科学”等相关领域的研究成果和技术发展的交流平台,我们热忱欢迎广大作者提交研究论文到 CRSA 2025,共同交流研究成果,探讨学术观点,建立商务关系,发展合作伙伴。
Prof. Antonio De Maio, IEEE Fellow, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Antonio De Maio (S'01-A'02-M'03-SM'07-F'13) was born in Sorrento, Italy, on June 20, 1974. He received the Dr.Eng. degree (with honors) and the Ph.D. degree in information engineering, both from the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. Currently, he is a Professor with the University of Naples Federico II. His research interest lies in the field of statistical signal processing, with emphasis on radar detection and optimization theory applied to radar signal processing. Dr. De Maio is a Fellow member of IEEE and the recipient of the 2010 IEEE Fred Nathanson Memorial Award as the young (less than 40 years of age) AESS Radar Engineer 2010 whose performance is particularly noteworthy as evidenced by contributions to the radar art over a period of several years, with the following citation for "robust CFAR detection, knowledge-based radar signal processing, and waveform design and diversity". | |
Prof. George Z.H. Zhu, FASME, SMIEEE, York University, Canada Zheng Hong (George) Zhu is the Director of the Space Engineering Design Laboratory at the Lassonde School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests touch on a number of topics including the dynamics and control of tethered spacecraft systems, electrodynamic tether propulsion and space debris removal, space robotics and advanced spacecraft materials. Dr. Zhu is the Fellow of Canadian Academy of Canada, Engineering Institute of Canada, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME), and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He is also the Associate Fellow of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), College Member of Royal Society of Canada, and Academician of International Academy of Astronautics. | |
Prof. Chinthaka Premachandra, IEEE Senior Member, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan His research interests include AI, UAV, image processing, audio processing, intelligent transport systems (ITS), and mobile robotics. He is the Founding Chair of the International Conference on Image Processing and Robotics (ICIPRoB), which is technically co-sponsored by IEEE. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (R-AL) and IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. |
计算机科学 | |
图像处理 计算机视觉 人工智能 数据挖掘 神经网络 | 机器人与自动化 高性能计算 网路 通讯 人机交互 电脑建模 |
遥感技术与应用 | |
遥感(RS) 地理信息系统(GIS) 光学遥感 微波遥感 遥感信息工程 遥感模式分析 分类和数据挖掘技术 | 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS) 遥感数据质量 |
航空航天科学 | |
航空声学 飞机设计 飞机系统 机舱系统 航空运输系统 航空运输业务 适航性 载人/无人航空 飞行物理学机制 | 空气弹性和结构动力学 空气热力学空域控制 空域管理 自主航空电子 资质认证 干净的空间 控制架构 |
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CRSA 2025所有的投稿都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将以会议论文集出版,见刊后由期刊社提交至EI Compendex和Scopus检索。目前该出版社EI检索非常稳定。
CRSA 2021 | |||
CRSA 2022 | |||
CRSA 2023 |
类别 | 注册费(人民币) |
全文投稿(8页) | 3800RMB/篇(包含一位作者免费参会做报告) |
超页费(第9页起算) | 400RMB/页 |
仅参会不投稿 | 1500RMB/人 |
仅参会不投稿(3人以上团体价) | 1200RMB/人 |
加购论文集 | 500RMB/本 |
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