2023 IEEE 11th Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC)
2023 年 IEEE 第 11 届 10 区人道主义技术会议 (R10-HTC)
Important Dates:
Paper Submission Deadline:May 15, 2023
Notification of Acceptance:July 15, 2023
Date of the meeting:October 16-18, 2023
Location :Rajkot,India
Conference introduction:
IEEE R10 HTC is a premier annual cross disciplinary conference that will bring together technologists, engineers, scientists, investors, representatives from NGOs, governments, academia, and industry. The conference will promote discussions and development of Electrical, Communication, Computing, Security and Disaster Relief areas to present results of recent advancements in technology in order to help improve the lives of the impoverished. It will have plenary talks, keynote addresses by reputed academicians, tutorials & workshops by domain experts, research paper presentations, events for Women in Engineering and Young Professionals, session on entrepreneurship and innovation, Industry exhibits and booths.
IEEE R10 HTC 2023, which is organized and hosted by IEEE Gujarat Section, will be held in Marwadi University, Rajkot, Gujarat, 16-18 October 2023. The theme of the conference,“Artificial Intelligence and Smart Technologies for Humanity” is to draw special attention to the societal expectation on humanitarian technologies’ ability to provide practical and lasting solutions.
Organizing Committee:
General Co-Chairs
Call for Papers:
We invite researchers, educators, industrialists, innovators and scholars to submit original work which may be conceptual, theoretical, or empirical. Author should document research activity, case studies or best practices, highlighting the knowledge add on to the theory or practice of engineering, technology while addressing under the conference theme, “Artificial Intelligence and Smart Technology for Humanity”.
Major technology topics under the conference theme includes (not limited to):
Theory, modeling and simulation of Smart systems like vehicles, infrastructure, services, safety and security.
IOT, smart devices, sensors and computing.
Mechatronics & robotics
Multi sensor data fusion model for smart grids
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) & UAS (Unmanned Aerial System)
Drone Technologies & Driverless vehicles
UAV Guidance, Navigation and Control Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for filmmaking, journalism, etc
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) perception, planning and control
AI powered transport systems
Automotive technologies and manufacturing process
Innovative UAS applications such as STEM education
Track II:Smart City & Smart Village
Concept, approaches and development of smart city and village
Smart buildings, transportation, irrigation, governance, mobility etc.
Track III: Power and Energy
Applications of Power Electronics devices and circuits, Instrumentation,
Advances in Electrical Machines, intelligent and robust Control, electrical transportation systems.
Integration of renewable energy sources and energy storage, Smart Grid, Microgrid, Advanced protection, optimization techniques, Distributed generation,
AI & ML applications to power system, power quality, advanced machine design and analysis, forecasting methods, motor drives, Industrial mechatronics,
Smart charging and charging infrastructure, Multi energy systems and sector coupling, Smart charging of plugged-in electric vehicles,
Power System Modeling & Control, Smart Energy Distribution and Management System, Energy Efficiency, etc. and their Engineering Application for humanity.
Contact Us:
Authors can scan the code to add conference teachers and send IEEE for submission consultation