2023 IEEE Vietnam Symposium in Supply Chain Management (VSSCM)

2023 IEEE Vietnam Symposium in Supply Chain Management (VSSCM)


Important Dates:

Paper Submission Deadline:31 August 2023

Notification of Acceptance:31 August 2023

Date of the meeting:23-24 October 2023

Location :Hanoi, Vietnam

Conference introduction:

The second edition of the Vietnam Symposium in Supply Chain Management (VSSCM-2023 will take place on 23-24 October 2023, in Hanoi, Vietnam. This Symposium is jointly organized by the  Association of Vietnamese Scientists and Experts (AVSE Global) and the Thuongmai University, and with the collaboration from the IGR-IAE Rennes, University of Rennes 1 (France). We will organize the conference in a HYBRID FORMAT that allows either residential or online presentation, so please do not hesitate to submit your work. 

The VSSCM-2023 provides a platform for academics, practitioners, researchers, and policymakers from various fields to exchange knowledge and evolutions of all aspects of management related to production and operations management, industry 4.0 and big data, logistics, supply chain management, strategy, innovation, technology, and organizations. It also aims at promoting collaborative research initiatives and experiences between Vietnamese experts and their foreign colleagues within both Vietnamese and international contexts. Participants will find an excellent opportunity for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues in supply chain management.

Organizing Committee:


Call for Papers:

For VSSCM-2023, the scientific and organizing committees particularly welcome submissions in all areas of Sustainability and Innovation as well as their interfaces. The following topics, but not limited to, are particularly welcome:

Business strategies for transitions towards sustainable systems

Challenges of climate change

Closed-loop sustainability development

Data analytics

Demand forecasting

E-supply chains

Integration and collaboration

IoT in Logistics

Lean and agile management

Logistics management

Operations management on innovation and sustainability

Performance drivers and measurement

Resilience for sustainable, inclusive growth

Reverse and closed loop supply chains

Risk management in supply chain

Stakes and challenges for sustainable development

Supply chain efficiency and effectiveness

Supply chain network design

Sustainability challenges: Ecological and economic development

Sustainability in the digital economy

Sustainable management practices

Supply chain finance

Sustainable supply chain management in tourism

Transition management for sustainable development

Transitions to sustainable futures

Value chain strategies

Contact Us:

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