SCIE期刊专题Call for Paper:多本SCIE期刊联合征稿,征稿截止2025年7月15日
Sustainable Building Materials 2专题客编 🔹 Prof. Dr. Bingxiang Yuan, School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology. 🔹 Prof. Dr. Waseim Ragab Azzam, Structural Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering. 🔹 Dr. Binbin Yang, School of Civil Engineering, Xuchang University. 🔹 Dr. ShiyuanHuang, State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University. 3专题简介 该Topic属于多期刊联合征稿专题。参与征稿的四本期刊分别是: 向Topic专题投稿时,作者可以自主选择上述四个期刊中最符合自己投稿意向的期刊投递稿件。 本专题旨在探讨可持续建筑材料、结构和土木工程行业相关研究面临的挑战和机遇,特别关注可持续岩土、混凝土和胶凝材料。本专题的范围包括低碳胶凝材料、土壤和混凝土改良和持续再生,以及绿色岩土工程和结构工程的开发和性能分析。其他感兴趣的领域包括使用可持续材料建造的结构的生命周期评估、耐久性和适应性。通过展示案例研究、设计策略和集成可持续材料和结构系统的方法,本专题特别强调可持续建筑材料和技术对环境和材料性能的潜在好处。 4投稿时间 Submission Deadline: 15 July 2025 5征稿主题包括但不限于以下内容 (1) Development and performance analysis of sustainable concrete; (2) Improvement and development of rock and soil mass and its impact on the sustainable building environment; (3) Innovation of low-carbon cementitious materials, exploring the potential of new binders and auxiliary cementitious materials; (4) Development and performance of recycled aggregate based on solid waste; (5) Comparative assessment of the lifecycle of sustainable cementitious materials to confirm their impact on the environment, society, and the economy; (6) Structural optimization and innovative design of low-carbon and environmentally friendly buildings; (7) Sustainable application of improved soil and rock materials in tunnel and dam engineering; (8) Sustainable development of dam performance and research and performance analysis of new impermeable materials and structures; (9) Design strategies and tools for integrating recycled materials such as solid waste or waste into sustainable building construction; (10) Assessment of the long-term durability and adaptability of structures constructed using sustainable materials under various environmental and climatic conditions; (11) The selection and integration of sustainable materials and structural systems into architectural design and construction to minimize their impact on the environment. 6期刊分析 CAR指数 CAR指数是一种评价期刊学术诚信风险的指数,CAR指数低于5%设定为低风险,处于5-10%被认为是中风险,大于10%为高风险。从网站(的检索结果来看, Buildings, Materials, Sustainability 三本期刊在2022-2024年的CAR指数均低于2%,为低风险水平,表明该期刊实时的学术诚信风险为低风险。Recycling 暂无CAR指数。 中科院预警情况 从2021年到2024年2月,Materials, Recycling, Sustainability 三本期刊连续三年并未进入中国科学院《国际期刊预警名单(试行)》名单。Buildings 在2023年有一次低等级预警,2024年不在预警名单。 影响因子发展趋势 在JCR的影响因子变化趋势图中可以了解到,从2018到2022年,这五年来 Buildings, Materials, Sustainability,三本期刊的影响因子水平整体表现稳定的趋势,期刊状态整体维持较好。Recycling 2022年开始有影响因子,23年因子从4.3提升至4.6。 期刊年发文趋势 通过在WoS数据库检查期刊近五年的发文数据,可以了解到四本期刊的发文自2019年开始呈现逐年增加的趋势。