
2023-12-25 1522


1. 感谢导师或指导者:首先感谢你的导师或指导者对你的研究工作和学术发展的支持和指导。表达对他们的感激之情,并提及他们在项目设计、实验操作和论文撰写等方面的帮助。


示例:We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Professor [导师姓名] for his/her invaluable guidance and support throughout this research. His/Her expertise and insightful comments have greatly contributed to the success of this study.

2. 道谢合作者:如果有与你共同合作完成研究的同事、研究小组成员或其他合作者,感谢他们的贡献和合作。说明他们在数据收集、实验操作、结果分析或论文修改等方面所做的工作。

示例:We would like to thank our colleagues at [机构名称] for their collaboration and assistance throughout this project. Their contributions in data collection, experimental procedures, and result analysis were invaluable.

3. 提及资金支持:如果你的研究得到了基金、奖学金或其他资金机构的支持,感谢这些资金的提供者,并提及项目的资助编号(如果适用)。

示例:This work was supported by the [基金机构名称] under Grant No. [资助编号]. We are grateful for their financial support, which made this research possible.

4. 感谢实验设施或技术支持:如果你使用了特殊的实验设备、仪器或获得了专业技术支持,感谢这些提供支持的机构或个人,并简要说明他们的贡献。

示例:We would like to acknowledge the technical support provided by [实验设施名称] at [机构名称]. Their expertise and assistance in [实验技术] were instrumental in the success of this study.

5. 其他帮助或支持:如果有其他人在研究过程中提供了帮助、建议或支持,例如提供数据、文献或其他资源,也应该在致谢部分中表达感谢之意。

示例:We would also like to thank [个人姓名/机构名称] for their kind assistance in providing [相关资源]. Their contribution greatly enriched our research and findings.


示例:Finally, we would like to express our deep appreciation to all individuals and institutions mentioned above. Without their support and contribution, this research would not have been possible.

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