
2023-12-25 1789



1. 感谢导师或指导者:首先要感谢你的导师或指导者,他们对你的研究进行了指导和支持。可以使用以下表达方式:

- "We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our supervisor [姓名] for his/her invaluable guidance and support throughout this research."

- "The authors would like to thank [姓名] for his/her continuous encouragement and insightful suggestions during the course of this study."

2. 感谢合作者:如果有其他合作者参与了研究工作,应当在致谢部分感谢他们的贡献。

- "We would like to acknowledge the contributions of [姓名] who played a significant role in data collection and analysis."

- "The authors would like to extend their heartfelt appreciation to [姓名] for his/her valuable input and collaboration on this project."

3. 感谢实验室或科研机构:如果你在特定的实验室或科研机构进行研究,可以在致谢部分感谢他们提供的支持和资源。

- "The authors would like to thank [实验室或科研机构名称] for providing the necessary facilities and resources for this research."

- "We are grateful to [实验室或科研机构名称] for their assistance in data collection and analysis."

4. 感谢资助机构:如果你的研究得到了财政资助,应当在致谢部分感谢资助机构。

- "This work was supported by the [资助机构名称] under Grant No. [资助号]."

- "The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from [资助机构名称] (Grant No. [资助号])."

5. 感谢同行和专家:如果有其他同行或专家为你的研究提供了宝贵的意见和建议,可以在致谢部分表达感激之情。

- "The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and suggestions, which greatly improved the quality of this manuscript."

- "We are grateful to [姓名] for his/her valuable discussions and insights on this research."




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