
2023-12-04 425



1. 礼貌和正式性:

   - 投稿信需要表现出你的专业水平和尊重,因此应该采用正式的语言和格式,并且要使用适当的称谓和敬语。

2. 明确目的:

   - 在信中明确阐述论文的主题、研究问题、方法和结果,并说明为什么这篇文章适合该期刊。同时,也要表达你希望提交该论文并期望得到编辑部的审查意见。

3. 介绍作者和机构:

   - 在信中简要介绍作者和其所属的机构或实验室,以及作者在该领域中的专业背景和经验。

4. 提供相关信息:

   - 包括论文的题目、作者姓名、通讯地址、电话、电子邮件等联系方式,以便编辑部联系作者并通知审稿意见。

5. 感谢编辑部:

   - 在信中表达感谢之情,感谢编辑部对论文的审查,并说明作者将遵守期刊的审稿标准和规范。

6. 附加其他信息:

   - 如果需要,可以在信中附加其他相关信息,如作者与该期刊编辑或审稿人之间的联系、论文涉及的专业术语、实验方法、数据来源等。


Dear Editor,

I am writing to submit a manuscript entitled “(论文题目)” for consideration for publication in (期刊名). The research presented in this manuscript investigates (研究问题) using (研究方法) and provides important insights into (结果).

As an expert in (相关领域), I believe that (期刊名) would be an appropriate venue for the dissemination of this research. The findings in this study are significant and have broad implications for (相关领域).

I am currently a (职称/学位) at (机构名), where my research focuses on (研究方向). My co-authors (如果有) are also experts in their respective fields and have contributed significantly to this manuscript.

Please find enclosed the manuscript, which has not been submitted elsewhere for publication. I confirm that all authors have seen and approved the contents of the manuscript.

Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.






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