
2023-09-13 1539

EI检索的英文期刊有哪些,EI(Engineering Index)是一个流行的工程文献检索数据库,它收录了大量的学术期刊文章、会议论文和专利信息。以下是一些常见的EI检索的英文期刊,并按照不同领域进行分类:


1. 电子与计算机工程类:

- IEEE Transactions on Computers

- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems

- IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics

- IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

2. 通信与网络工程类:

- IEEE Communications Letters

- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications

- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management

- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

3. 机械与材料工程类:

- Journal of Mechanical Engineering

- Materials Science and Engineering: A/B/C

- Journal of Manufacturing Processes

- Journal of Composite Materials

4. 电气与电子工程类:

- IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

- IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

- IEEE Power and Energy Magazine

- IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits

5. 化学与环境工程类:

- Chemical Engineering Journal

- Environmental Science & Technology

- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

- Journal of Chemical Engineering

6. 土木与建筑工程类:

- Journal of Civil Engineering and Management

- Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

- Journal of Building Performance Simulation

- Journal of Structural Engineering

这只是示例之一,实际上 EI 数据库中包含了数千个不同领域的期刊。不同学科领域都有大量的期刊可供选择,研究人员可以根据自己的研究方向和兴趣选择适合的期刊进行发表和检索相关文献。

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