农业类EI英文期刊,以下是一些农业领域常见的EI(Engineering Index)英文期刊:
1. Transactions of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers)
2. Biosystems Engineering
3. Agricultural Water Management
4. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
5. Journal of Environmental Management
6. Agricultural Systems
7. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
8. Precision Agriculture
9. Soil and Tillage Research
10. Field Crops Research
11. Crop Science
12. Plant and Soil
13. Plant Physiology
14. Plant, Cell and Environment
15. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
16. Journal of Agricultural Science
17. Applied Engineering in Agriculture (ASABE Technical Library)
18. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research
19. International Agrophysics (Poland)
20. Journal of Food Engineering
21. Food Control
22. Journal of Stored Products Research
23. Postharvest Biology and Technology
24. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology
25. Livestock Science
26. Animal Feed Science and Technology
27. Poultry Science
28. Aquacultural Engineering
29. Aquaculture
30. Journal of Fish Biology