
2023-09-07 627

化学类EI英文期刊,以下是一些在化学领域常见的 EI 收录的英文期刊示例:


1. Journal of the American Chemical Society

2. Angewandte Chemie International Edition

3. Chemical Communications

4. Chemical Reviews

5. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

6. Organic Letters

7. Inorganic Chemistry

8. Analytical Chemistry

9. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry

10. ACS Catalysis

11. Macromolecules

12. Chemical Science

13. Green Chemistry

14. Journal of Materials Chemistry A

15. Accounts of Chemical Research

16. Advanced Functional Materials

17. Chemistry of Materials

18. Journal of Organic Chemistry

19. Chemical Engineering Journal

20. Biomacromolecules

21. Dalton Transactions

22. Chemistry - A European Journal

23. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

24. Journal of Physical Chemistry C

25. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation

26. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis

27. Polymer Chemistry

28. Advanced Materials

29. Journal of CO2 Utilization

30. Journal of Hazardous Materials

31. Journal of Chemical Education

32. Chemical Physics Letters

33. Electrochimica Acta

34. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

35. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry

36. Journal of Molecular Structure

37. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry

38. Reactive and Functional Polymers

39. Tetrahedron Letters

40. Tetrahedron

这些期刊覆盖了有机化学、无机化学、物理化学、材料化学、分析化学以及其他相关领域。请注意,这只是化学领域的一小部分 EI 收录期刊示例,而且 EI 数据库中的期刊数量很大,不断更新和变化。如果您对特定领域或主题感兴趣,建议使用专业的数据库或工具以获取更全面和最新的 EI 收录期刊列表。


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