
2023-01-30 7966




  1、GLOBECOM (IEEE Global Communications Conference )

  2、ICASSP (IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing)

  3、ICC (IEEE International Conference on Communications )

  4、INFOCOM (IEEE Conference on Computer Communications)

  5、MILCOM (IEEE Military Communications Conference )

  6、OFC (IEEE Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition)

  7、PIMRC (IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications)

  8、SPAWC (IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications)

  9、VTC (IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference)

  10、WCNC (IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference)

  11、CSNDSP (IEEE Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing)

  12、CTW (IEEE Communications Theory Workshop)

  13、ICACT (IEEE International Conference Advanced Communication Technology)

  14、ICCCAS (IEEE International Conference of Communications, Circuits and Systems)

  15、INCC (IEEE International Networking and Communications Conference)

  16、ISCC (IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications)

  17、ISSSTA (IEEE International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques and Applications)

  18、ISWCS (IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems)

  19、ISIT (IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory)

  20、CCNC (IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference)


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