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    中國近現代史、中國近代科學史與公衛史、中日外交與文化交流史、日本近代史、思想文化史、性別與社會史 IntellectualandCulturalHistory,GenderandSociety,InternationalTrade,ModernChineseHistoryofScienceandPublicHealth.
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授課領域 中國近現代史專題 中國現代史─中國崛起之分析 近代中國國家與社會專題研究 英文史學經典閱讀 中國現代史 中國近現代史專題 中國崛起:歷史分析 日本近代化的曲折 歷史文獻選讀 中國近代醫學史與公共衛生 學歷一覽 芝加哥大學 美國 歷史學系 博士 ~ 1999年 國立臺灣大學 中華民國 歷史研究所 碩士 ~ 1991年 國立臺灣大學 中華民國 歷史學系 學士 1984年 ~ 1987年 文藻外語學院 中華民國 英文系 學士 1978年 ~ 1982年 ※Language Proficiencies and Skills Classical and modern Chinese (native in reading, writing, speaking). Japanese (near native in reading, fluent in writing and speaking). ※Professional Memberships Association for Asian Studies (AAS) History of Science Society (HSS) Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) Taiwan Association for the studies of Science, Technology and Society. (台灣STS學會) ※Honors, Awards and Fellowships National Tsing Hua University Two-Year research grant on “Locating the Mechanism of Social Reproduction for Gender Justice: Family Planning and Labor Distribution within Family and Workplace in Taiwan,” January 2012-December 2013. National Science Council research grant on “Gender and Science” #100-2629-H-007-001, Aug. 2011- July 2012. National Tsing Hua University, faculty research grant, Jan-March, 2011 National Science Council research grant, overseas research leave, 11 months, 2009 National Science Council, faculty research grant, 2007-8. National Tsing Hua University, faculty research grant, 2006-8. Junior Research Fellowship for the archival project of Chinese Maritime Customs Service at University of Bristol, Cambridge University, Nanjing University and Nanjing Second Archive,2003-4. NEH Summer Institute Fellowship on the theme of “Modernity, Early Modernity and Post-Modernity in Japan,” June-July, 2002. An Wang Postdoctoral Fellowship at the John King Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University, 1999-2000. ※Conference Presentations “Imagining Nation and Implementing Science: The National Resource Council and the Republican Government’s ‘Develop the West’ Campaigns” for the EAEH 2013第二屆東亞環境史國際研討會, October 24-26 2013, National Dong Hwa University, Hua Lian,Taiwan. “The Discourse of Sexual Pleasure and Family Planning in Taiwan” for the International Conference “Social Reproduction and Gender Justice: Mechanism in Family, organization Campus and Workplace in Taiwan,” October 4-5, 2013, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. “Sovereignty and Imperial Hygiene: Japan and the 1919 Cholera Epidemic in East Asia,” for the panel “The “Great War” and East Asia: The Cultural and Technological Networks in the 1910s,” the Eighth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 8), 24-27 June 2013, Macao. “Biopower and Social Nexus in Chinese Eugenics” for the Berkeley Summer Research Institute in partnership with the Academia Sinica “Bordering China: Modernity and Sustainability-Summer Institute,” August 1-10, 2012, Institute of East Asian Studies,University of California Berkeley. “抵抗的創意:滿洲國的思想控制與文藝生產”發表於「近代東亞的區域交流與秩序重編」國際學術研討會,會議地點在台北大學,2012, 5月26-27. “The Contestation over Manchukuo as A Space/Place: The Japanese Thought Control and Chinese Literary Production during the Anti-Japanese War,” for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Toronto, March 16-18, 2012. Organizing the panel #528 titled “Exploring Temporal, Cultural, and Territorial Boundaries through Science,” and presenting the paper “Sovereignty and Imperial Hygiene: Japan and the 1919 Cholera Epidemic in East Asia,” for the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 31-April 3, 2011. “Eugenics Under the Japanese Wartime Occupation,” for the Symposium “Eugenics Policy-US/Japan/Asia” organized by the Human Science Division, Seinan University 西南学院大学人間科学部, Fukuoka, Japan, in July 3, 2010. “Japan and the Formation of Imperial Hygiene in the 1910s,” 發表在「 1910年の日本と朝鮮半島:1世紀を経ての再検証」済州会議,會議地點在韓國濟州大學,2010年,六月26日。 “Sovereignty and Imperial Hygiene: Japan and the 1919 Cholera Epidemic in East Asia,” for the “International Workshop of Taiwan and East Asian Cross-Border: The Regionalization of Asia,” May 27, 2010, Workshop organized for the Institute of History, National Tsing Hua University. “Sovereignty and Imperial Hygiene: Japan and the 1919 Cholera Epidemic in East Asia,” for the panel “Border Crossing, Social History, and Japan's Foreign Relations during the Early 20th Century” in annual meeting of the Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ), 20-21 June 2009. “Nationalism Versus Colonialism: Eugenics in China and Hong Kong, 1890’s -1990’s” for the2008 off-year Conference of the International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, Kobe University, November 5-8, 2008. “Nationalism Versus Colonialism: Eugenics and Biopolitics in China and Hong Kong, 1890’s-1990’s” for the International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, July 14-18, 2008. “Empire of Hygiene: The Quarantine Service of the Chinese Maritime Customs, 1873-1945” for the workshop of “Cholera in Modern Asia: Ecology, Society and State,” February 23, 2008 in Osaka, organized by Professors Akihito Suzuki of Keio University and Kohei Wakimura of Osaka City University. “The ‘Develop the West’ Campaigns and their Environmental Impact” for the 2004 AAS Annual Meeting, March 2-6, San Diego. “The ‘Develop the West’ Campaigns and their Environmental Impact” for the CESS 4th Annual Conference, Harvard University, October 2-3, 2003. “Colonial Desire: Eugenics in China and Japan” for the workshop of “Race, Science & Culture in 20th Century East Asia and America,” MIT, April 25-6, 2003. “Imbecile Villages’ and Chinese Eugenics in Gansu—An Ethnographic Exploration” for the panel “More than Turning the Tables: Resistance and Representations of the ‘Other’ in Post-Colonial and Post-Socialist Anthropological Enterprises,” European Association of Social Anthropology Biennial Conference, Copenhagen, August 14-17, 2002. “Chinese Women and a Transnational Network of Relief of Social Suffering,” First International Symposium on “Chinese Women and their Network Capital,” June 20-21, 2002, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong. “Struggle for National Survival: Social Darwinism and Chinese Eugenics,” for the workshop of the Disunity of Chinese Science, May 10-12, 2002, University of Chicago. “Struggle for National Survival: Social Darwinism and Chinese Eugenics,” for the panel “From Science to Society: Social Darwinism in East Asia,” the 2002 Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, April 4-7, Washington, D.C. “Eugenics and Personal Security” for the panel “Personal Security: Dilemmas of Health, Human Rights and Labor,” the 2002 Symposium on “China: Dimensions of Security,” Feb. 14-17, the Tufts Institute for Leadership and International Perspective. “Transnational Science: the Japanese establishment of Shanghai Natural Science Institute and the Knowledge of Taxonomy in China, 1923-1945,” the 2000 History of Science Society Annual Meeting, November 2-5, Vancouver, B.C. “Birth Control or Sex Control?: A Comparative Perspective of Politics of Knowledge and Reproduction in China and Japan,” the weekend Workshop of “Eugenics in East Asia: A Transnational Perspective,” May 20-21, 2000, the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research, Harvard University. “Better Sex? Better Conception: Eugenics and Reproductive Health in China,” the Workshop of “Gender and Health through Lifecycle in China,” May 11-12, 2000, the Fairbank Center. “Overcoming Lysenkoism and the Comeback of Eugenics in China,” the Fairbank Director’s Workshop, April 6, 2000, the Fairbank Center. ※經歷一覽 國立清華大學 副教授 歷史研究所 2011年08月 ~ 國立清華大學 性別與社會研究室 副召集人 2011年 ~ 美國Johns Hopkins University Visiting Scientist Institute of the History of Medicine 2009年02月 ~ 2010年01月 國立清華大學 助理教授 歷史研究所 2006年01月 ~ 2011年07月 英國University of Bristol Junior Research Fellow 2003年09月 ~ 2004年08月 英國Cambridge University Visiting scholar 2003年 ~ 2004年 美國Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lecturer History Faculty 2003年 ~ 美國Hofstra University Assistant Professor History Department 2001年09月 ~ 2002年08月 美國Harvard University Lecturer Committee on Degrees in Social Studies 2000年09月 ~ 2001年08月 美國Harvard University Postdoctoral Fellow the Fairbank Center for East Asian Research 1999年09月 ~ 2000年08月 美國University of Illinois at Chicago Visiting Assistant Professor Department of History 1998年 ~
