Education: 1973 B. S. (Mathematics), National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan 1977 Ph.D. (Statistics), University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA Experiences: 1977-78 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA 1978-82 Associate Professor, National Tsing Hua University 1985-86 Visiting Scientist, Department of Biostatistics, Harvard University, USA 1982-present Professor, National Tsing Hua University Major Professional Services: 1994-2013 Associate Editor, Biometrics 1998-2011 Associate Editor, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 1991-96, 1999-2005 Associate Editor, Statistica Sinica 2001-2009 Associate Editor, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2015- Associate Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution Referees for various journals in biology, ecology, statistics, epidemiology and related sciences. Honors: 1990-95 Taiwan National Science Council Award for Outstanding Research (傑出研究獎三次) 1987 Elected Member of International Statistical Institute 1996 Best Teaching Award, National Tsing Hua University (傑出教學獎) 1997 Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics 2001 ISI Citation Classic Award for two highly-cited papers (Chao, 1984; Chao and Lee, 1992) 2003 Academic Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan (教育部學術獎) 2005-2008 Taiwan National Chair Professor (國家講座) 2006- Tsing Hua Distinguished Chair Professor (清華特聘講座) Theses Supervised: ~ 100 Master Theses; 22 Ph.D. Theses Ph.D Theses: Lee, S-M (1990) Estimating population size for closed capture-recapture models via sample coverage. (Feng-Chia University) Ma, M-C (1992) Stopping rule and estimation for recapture debugging with unequal detection rates. (National Cheng-Kung University) Hwang, W. D. (1992) Quantifying the effects of unequal catchabilities on Jolly-Seber estimators. (National Cheng-Kung University) Chu, W-T (1995) A unified martingale estimation approach to estimating parameters of time-specific model. (Feng-Chia University) Chen, Y-C (1996) The estimation of population size for capture-recapture experiments under Pollock’s robust design. (Chia-Nan College of Pharmacy and Science) Hwang, Wen-Han (1997) Estimating population Size for continuous time capture-recapture experiments. (National Chung-Hsin University) Tsay, P-K (1997) Comparisons of loglinear model and sample coverage methods in capture-recapture experiments. (Chang-Kang University) Lin, S-P (2001) Comparison of population size estimation between continuous and discrete capture-recapture experiments. (Chung-Hua University) Yang, H-C (2002) The applications of Markov chain models and kernel smoothing in capture-recapture experiments. (Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica) Shen, T.- J. (2003) Prediction of Biodiversity. (National Chung-Hsin University) Li, P.-C. (2005) Species estimation and similarity indices in quadrat sampling. (Wistron NeWeb Co. Industrial Park, Hsin-Chu) (Co-advisee) Lee, P.-L. (2006) Clustering for longitudinal data. (Department of Statistics, Tamkang University) Chiang, S.-C. (2006) Similarity indices for multiple communities. (Biostatistics Task Force, Taipei Veterans General Hospital) Pan, H. Y. (2007) Estimation of shared species richess in multiple communities. (National Chia-Yi University) Han, R.-P. (2008) Statistical estimation of beta diversity. (Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology) Jiang, Y.-H. (2008) Multiple-community similarity indices under both discrete and continuous diversity data. Lin, C.-W. (2009) Estimation of biodiversity in sampling without replacement. (Chaoyang University of Technology) Lin, S.-Y. (2012) Hierarchical and space-time decomposition of biodiversity indices. Wang, Y.-T. (2013) Statistical estimation of Hill numbers and similarity indices. Hsu, F.-J. (2013) Statistical estimation of rarefaction and extrapolation curve for beta diversity. Hsieh, T.-C. (2014) Rarefaction and extrapolation with biodiversity. Ma, K.-H. (2016) Rarefaction and extrapolation of similarity/differentiation measures and species diversity in sampling without replacement. Major Research Area: Ecological statistics and bio-diversity estimation •Species estimation and population size estimation •Animal abundance models and estimation •Capture-recapture models and their applications •Bio-diversity indices (species, phylogenetic and functional diversities) and their estimation •Biological sampling methods Citations and Recent Plenary talks: A full list of publications is given on the website. The total number of citations by SCI authors in Web of Science > 12600 citations; The total number of citations in Google Scholar > 23000 citations (Accessed on November, 2019) (1) Plenary speaker, 2016 British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, December, 2016, Liverpool, UK. (2) Plenary speaker, 2018 Australian Ecological Society Annual Conference, November 2018, Brisbane, Australia. (3) Plenary speaker, 2019 International Congress of Conservation Biology (ICCB), July, 2019, Kuala lumpur, Malaysia.