• Highest Degree / 最高學歷: Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA 美國夏威夷大學語言學博士 • Job Title / 職稱: Professor and Acting Chair 教授兼代理系主任 • Teaching / 授課領域: Theories of Foreign Language Teaching and Learning (graduate), Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism (graduate), Topics in Language Acquisition (graduate), Introduction to Linguistics, Introduction to Psycholinguistics, Language Acquisition, Reading and Writing, Freshman English Listening and Speaking 外語教學理論(碩)、雙語心理學(碩)、語言習得專題(碩)、語言學概論、心理語言學導論、語言習得、閱讀與寫作、 英語聽講 第二語言習得、語言移轉、心理語言學 Research Projects / 研究計畫 • 2017/08 - 2018/07 雙向語言移轉:以動態事件之表達為例 Cross-linguistic influence in expressing motion events: A multi-competence perspective 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2013/08 - 2014/07 英語為國際共通語之語言特色分析:探討流利雙語人之英語特徵 An analysis of the linguistic features of English as a lingua franca: Towards the successful non-native speaker's model of English 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2011/08 - 2012/07 雙向語言移轉:以個人經驗敘事寫作為例 L1-L2 transfer in the writing strategies in personal experience narratives 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2010/08 - 2011/07 雙向語言移轉:以故事敘述為例 Bi-directional transfer in the narratives of Chinese EFL learners 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2005/08 - 2006/07 成人外語習得對母語影響之研究 L2 influence on L1 in foreign language learning 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2004/08 - 2005/07 雙向語言移轉 Language transfer: A bi-directional perspective 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2003/08 - 2004/07 語言行為的移轉:跨語言比較 Pragmatic transfer: A cross-linguistic perspective 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2001/08 - 2002/07 語言行為移轉之研究 Studies on pragmatic transfer: A bi-directional perspective 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan •2000/08 - 2001/07 上下文對句意理解的影響:中英文比較 Effects of discourse context in sentence processing: A comparison of Chinese and English 中華民國科技部研究計畫 主持人 Principle Investigator, Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan Honors / 榮譽 •2014 清華大學學術卓越獎勵 NTHU Research Incentive •2013 清華大學學術卓越獎勵 NTHU Research Incentive •2013 清華大學研究績效獎勵 (優良期刊論文) NTHU Excellent Paper Award •2012 清華大學學術卓越獎勵 NTHU Research Incentive •2011 清華大學研究績效獎勵 (傑出期刊論文) NTHU Distinguished Paper Award •2011 清華大學教學績效獎勵 •2011 清華大學學術卓越獎勵 NTHU Research Incentive •2006 清華大學激勵薪資獎勵 NTHU Research Incentive •1998 甲種研究獎勵, 國家科學委員會 NSC Research Award, National Science Council Work Experiences / 經歷 •2017/08 - Present 國立清華大學 外國語文學系 教授 Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan •2013/02 - 2016/01 國立清華大學 外國語文學系 主任 Chairperson, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan •2009/08 - 2013/07 國立清華大學 語言中心 主任 Director, Language Center National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan •2006/02 - 2006/06 美國夏威夷語言學系 訪問學者 Visiting Scholar, Department of Linguistics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA •2001/08 - 2005/07 國立清華大學 外國語文學系 副教授 Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literature National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan •1998/08 - 2001/07 國立東華大學 英文系 助理教授 Assistant Professor, Department of English National Dong Hua University, Taiwan