Yu-Ching Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. She is the principal investigator of the Equilibrium and Data-Analytics Laboratory (EdLab) established in Fall 2015. She obtained a Ph.D. degree in December 2012 in the Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign (UIUC), where she had been advised by Professor Jong-Shi Pang since August 2008. During this period, she worked on the development of methodologies for solving the Mathematical Programming with Equilibrium Constraints into global optimum and was supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) projects. She had a summer internship with Wolverine Trading, LLC., Chicago, to participate in the project about solving a (business secret) allocation problem with variables of the special order set for the company in 2010. Before entering the Department of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering, she received a M.S. degree with a thesis in 2008 from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UIUC. Her M.S. thesis was on large scale integer programming problems of airline scheduling and was advised by Professor Diego Klabjan. Her current research interests are operation research in economics/ finance/ transportation, optimization in machine learning, and optimization in big data. 近三年計畫 李雨青 Yu-Ching Lee 發展 Inverse Optimization (InvO) 基礎型及衍化型用於 data-driven 建模之參數選定(I) Developing Fundamentals and Variants of the Inverse Optimization (InvO) in Data-driven model with Parameter Selection 科技部 Ministry of Science and Technology 2017.8 - 2018.7 李雨青 Yu-Ching Lee 倒轉最佳化: 方法與大規模數據應用(I) Inverse Optimization: Method and Applications with Large-Scale Data 科技部 Ministry of Science and Technology 2015.10-2016.09