  • 所属院校:
  • 所属院系:
  • 研究领域:
    ♦生物力學 ♦復健和人體動作科學 ♦人因工程 ♦動作和姿勢控制
  • 职称:
  • 导师类型:
  • 招生专业:


Yun-Ju Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. She received her PhD in Biomechanics from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam), Netherlands after receiving her B.S. in Physical Therapy and M.S. in Rehabilitation Science from the Chang Gung University, Taiwan. She has been a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2012/5-2015/10) and a Research Assistance Professor (2015/10-2017/1) in the Department of Physical Therapy at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), USA as well as an Assistant Professor in Tzu Chi University, Taiwan (2016/2-2017/1). Her research interests are related to biomechanics, ergonomics, motor control and rehabilitation. She primarily focuses on identifying mechanisms of perturbation related postural asymmetry and balance control for ergonomic developments and rehabilitation. 近三年執行計畫 李昀儒 Yun-Ju Lee 透過神經人因途徑使用全域步態辨識系統進行動向模式預測 Neuroergonomic approach with novel gait signature security to predict your next move (榮獲 年輕學者養成哥倫布計劃) 科技部 Ministry of Science and Technology 2018.2 – 2023.1 李昀儒 Yun-Ju Lee 判定雙重動作執行時老年人姿勢控制優先性之策略 Identify postural control strategy prioritization under dual motors tasking in elderly 科技部 Ministry of Science and Technology 2017.8 - 2018.4
