學歷 1999-2002 Ph.D in Physics, University of Kiel, Germany 1997-1999 Ph.D in Physics, RWTH Aachen, Germany 1993-1994 University of Birmingham, UK 1991-1993, 1994-1997 Diploma in Physics, RWTH Aachen, Germany 現職與經歷 現職:國立清華大學物理系 副教授 (2012/08 – ) 經歷: •2012-2012 Guest Scientist, Tokyo University, Japan •2011-2012 Senior Postdoc, National Taiwan University, Taiwan •2011-2011 Guest Scientist, Academia Sinicia, Taipei, Taiwan •2002-2010 Groupleader Molecular Magnetism, University of Hamburg, Germany 研究興趣與成果 Updated on September 3, 2006 Details will follow