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    ♦精實生產 ♦工業4.0 ♦企業流程再造 ♦系統模擬 ♦先進規劃排程
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  • 招生专业:


最高學歷 ♦ 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區工業工程博士 James C. Chen is Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management at National Tsing-Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. He is also Adjunct Professor of the Institute of Industrial Engineering at National Taiwan University (NTU), Taiwan and is a Board Member of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE). Prior to his current position, he was Chair Professor in the Department of Industrial Management at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU), and a researcher at Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan. He received a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from NTHU, Taiwan, an M.S. in Manufacturing Systems Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, both from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison), USA.    Dr. Chen’s current research interests include lean production, business process reengineering, supply chain management, project management, and system simulation. He has been working on university-industry collaboration projects with high tech industries such as semiconductor wafer fabs and Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) fabs in Taiwan as well as traditional industries such as footwear factories and apparel factories in Taiwan, China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Fiji. He has published academic articles in European Journal of Operational Research, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, International Journal of Management Science (Omega), International Journal of Production Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Soft Computing, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Journal of Cleaner Production, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Engineering Optimization, Journal of the Society for Information Display, Displays, Production Planning and Control, Expert Systems with Applications, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice and International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology.    Dr. Chen was awarded Dr. Yi-Chi Mei Scholarship at NTHU, IBM Manufacturing Research Graduate Fellowship at UW-Madison, Outstanding Teaching Awards at CYCU, Distinguished University-Industry Collaborative Research Award at Chung Hua Picture Tubes (CPT), Distinguished Industrial Engineer Award from CIIE, Outstanding Research Award at NTUST, Distinguished Intellectual Property and Commercialization Award at NTHU, Distinguished Research Award at NTHU, Distinguished University-Industry Collaboration Award at College of Engineering at NTHU, Teaching Award at NTHU, Outstanding Educator Award in International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (Indonesia), Best Paper Awards in several international conferences, and Feature Person: Enjoying the International University-Industry Collaboration, Engineering Science and Technology Bulletin, National Science Council, Taiwan. <> •國立清華大學工學院傑出產學研究獎 •日本大阪商業與管理國際研討會傑出論文獎 •印尼峇里島工業工程與作業管理國際研討會傑出教育學者獎 •印尼峇里島工業工程與作業管理國際研討會最佳論文獎 •國立清華大學延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資暨獎勵 •國立清華大學工學院「清華工師的故事」 •國立清華大學傑出技術轉移教師 •國立清華大學教學獎勵 •國立清華大學教師學術卓越獎勵 •國科會工程科技通訊人物專訪選集(2) •Marquis Who’s Who in the World •國立清華大學智財商化績優教師 •工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文優勝 •國科會自動化學門成果發表會最佳海報 •中國工業工程學會工業工程獎章 •國立台灣科技大學傑出研究及創作獎 •兩岸工業工程與管理學術研討會論文優勝 •國科會工程科技通訊人物專訪「樂在其中的國際產學之路:陳建良教授 」 •國立台灣科技大學與寶成國際集團講座教授 •中原大學教學優良教師 •中華映管產學優秀獎 •中原大學電機資訊學院教學特優教師 •中原大學工業與系統工程系教學優良教師 •IBM Manufacturing Research Graduate Fellowship •國立清華大學梅貽琦校長紀念獎學金 近三年執行計畫 陳建良 James C. Chen 電車線聚合礙子老化分析暨全線汙染區調查與規劃 Aging Analysis of Train Line Polymer Insulator and Plan and Investigation of Train Line Pollution Areas 台灣高鐵 Taiwan High Speed Rail 2020.9 -2022.8 陳建良 James C. Chen 國內掛號小包分揀流程優化與善用自動化設備研究 Study of Optimization and Automation Application for Domestic Registered Small Package Picking Process 郵政總局 Post Office 2020.8 -2020.11 陳建良 James C. Chen 轉轍器維修管理系統開發與技術服務 Development and Technical Service of Switch Machine Maintenance Management System 台灣高鐵 Taiwan High Speed Rail 2020.7 -2022.6 陳建良 James C. Chen 訂單履行模組開發 Demand Fulfillment Module Develpoment 立錡科技 Richtek Technology 2020.7 -2021.4
