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學歷: 香港大學中文系博士 經歷: 香港教育大學中國文學講座教授、香港教育大學中國文學文化研究中心總監 學術著作目錄 A. BOOKS 專書 1.Reencountering Literary Hong Kong (ed), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2014-2016 《重遇文學香港》(主編),香港,香港商務印書館,2018 2.Hong Kong-Literature: Traces and Impact, Hong Kong: Culture Lab Plus Limited, 2017 《香港‧文學:影與響》,香港:練習文化實驗室,2017 3.Hong Kong in Its History of Lyricism, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2016 《香港的抒情史》,香港:中文大學出版社,2016 4.Compendium of Hong Kong Literature 1919-1949, 12 volumes (Chief Editor), Hong Kong: Commercial Press, 2014-2016 《香港文學大系 一九一九-一九四九》全十二卷(總主編),香港:商務印書館,2014-2016 5.Hong Kong: Imagination of the City and Its Cultural Memory (co-ed with Chen Pingyuan, and David Der-wai Wang), Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015 《香港:都市想像文化記憶》(陳平原、陳國球、王德威合編),北京:北京大學出版社,2015 6.The Modernity of Lyricism: Essays on Chinese Lyrical Tradition (co-ed with David Der-wai Wang), Beijing: Joint Publication Company, 2014 《抒情之現代性:「抒情傳統」論述與中國文學研究》(陳國球、王德威合編),北京:三聯書店,2014 7.The Conception of Lyrical China, Hong Kong: Joint Publication Company, 2013 《抒情中國論》,香港:三聯書店,2013 8.Literature as Knowledge?──Literary Criticism, Literary Studies, and Literary Education, Beijing: Joint Publication Company, 2013 《文學如何成為知識?──文學批評、文學研究與文學教育》,北京:三聯書店,2013 9.Structuring Chinese Literary Tradition, Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press, 2011 《結構中國文學傳統》,武漢:華中師範大學出版社,2011 10.Contemporary Chinese Literature (with Zhang Lin), Hong Kong: The Open University of Hong Kong, 2007 《中國當代文學》(陳國球、張霖合著),香港:香港公開大學,2007 11.Ming Neo-Classicists on Tang Poetry, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2007 (2nd impression with revision, September 2007) 《明代復古派唐詩論研究》,北京:北京大學出版社,2007 12.Obsession With China [Studies on Modern Chinese Literature and Criticism], Shanghai: Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, 2007 《情迷家國》,上海:上海書店出版社,2007 13.The Modes of Writings and Cultural Politics of Literary Histories: Studies on Chinese Literary Historiography, Beijing: Peking University Press, 2004 (2nd impression with revision, 2005) 《文學史書寫形態與文化政治》,北京:北京大學出版社,2004 (再版 2005) 14.A Melancholic Journey: Reading Literature in Hong Kong, Taipei: Xuesheng Book Company, 2003 《感傷的旅程:在香港讀文學》,台北:學生書局,2003 15.Flowers from the Apricot Altar: Festschrift Presented to Professor Ping-leung Chan in Honor of His Retirement (co-ed with Xu Zidong and Wu Shudian), Hong Kong: Wen Xing Pub. Co., 2001 《杏壇擷英:陳炳良教授榮休紀念文學研究論文集》(陳國球、許子東、吳淑鈿合編),香港:文星圖書公司,2001 16.“Literary Hong Kong” and Lilian Lee (ed. and intro.), Taipei: Rye Fields Pub. Co., 2000 《文學香港與李碧華》(編),台北:麥田出版公司,2000 17.Writing the Literary Past: Reflections on Literary History (co-ed. with W.C. Wong and Stephen Chan), Taipei: Rye Fields Pub. Co., 1997 《書寫文學的過去:文學史的思考》(陳國球、王宏志、陳清僑合編),台北:麥田出版公司,1997 18.Rethinking Chinese Literary History (ed. and intro.), Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, 1993: Taiwan edition: Taipei: Shulin Press, 1994 《中國文學的省思》(編),香港:三聯書店,1993;台北:書林出版公司,1994 19.Selected Essays of Hong Kong Scholars on Classical Chinese Literary Criticism (ed. and intro.), Taipei: Xuesheng Book Company, 1991 《香港地區中國文學批評研究》(編),台北:學生書局,1991 20.The Reception of Tang Poetry in Ming Neo-Classical Criticism, Taipei: Xuesheng Book Company, 1990 《唐詩的傳承:明代復古詩論研究》,台北:學生書局,1990 21.Selected Readings of Literary Critical Essays (co-ed., with Ping-leung Chan), Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1988 《文學論文選讀》(陳炳良、陳國球合編),香港:香港大學,1988 22.Flower in the Mirror and the Moon Reflected in the Water: Essays in Literary Theories and Criticism, Taipei: Dongda Book Company, 1987 《鏡花水月:文學理論批評論文集》,台北:東大圖書公司,1987 23.A Critical Study of Hu Yinglin's Poetic Theories, Hong Kong: Wah Fung Book Company, 1986 《胡應麟詩論研究》,香港:華風書局,1986
