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Education (教育背景) 2014.8- , visiting scholar supported by CSC, Illinois Institute of Technology; 2006.9-2010.6, Ph.D of Physics education, the East China Normal University; 2009.10-2010.5, SRA of Science education supported by HK Croucher Foundation, the Hong Kong Institute of Education 1999.9-2002.6, M.S. of Curriculum and Instruction, Zhejiang Normal University 1995.9-1999.6, B.S. of physics, Zhejiang Normal University Publications(学术出版) Books: Xiao Huang. Science Teaching Embodies NOS — From the HPS Perspective. Beijing: Peoples’ Publishing House. 2014.5 体现科学本质的科学教学,人民出版社,2014年5月,独著 Bingyuan Hu & Xiao Huang. Study on Teaching Behavior and Cases in physics teaching. Nanchang: Jiangxi Educational Publishing, 2009(5). 物理课堂教学行为研究及案例,江西教育出版社,2009,第二 Projects(课题) Principal investigator, Promote Students’ Understanding Science Based on RFID Technology, Key Project of National Information Technology Education.2012.12-2014.12 主持,职前科学、数学教师STEM素养提升的实践研究,2016年浙江省社科规划课题(16ZJQN054YB),2016.3-2018.12. Principal investigator, Practice and Research of Improving Science Teachers’ Teaching Research Ability in the Internet+ Environment, Teaching Reform of Higher Education, Zhejiang, 2016.12. 主持,“互联网+”环境下卓越理科教师教研能力提升实践探索,浙江省高等教育教学改革项目,2016.12. Principal investigator, Research on Nature of Science Understanding Mechanism on the Basis of HPS, Key Project of Ministry of Education (DHA140278), China, 2014.12-2016.12. 主持,基于科学史与科学哲学的科学本质理解之机制研究,2014年教育部重点课题(DHA140278),2014.12-2016.12. Principal investigator, Empirical Research on Using 'History-Inquiry-Reflection' Method to Improve Chinese Junior organization Students' Understanding of NOS, Key Project of Zhejiang Research Institute of Education Science (2015SB115), 2015.1-2017.1 主持,以“历史—探究—反思”方法促进初中生科学本质理解的实证研究,2015年浙江省教科规划重点课题(2015SB115),2015.1-2017.1. 参与,国际学生评估项目(PISA)的教育政策影响研究,2016年浙江省社科规划年度一般课题(157),2016.7-2017.7,排名第二 Principal investigator, The Effective Implementation of Integrated Science Curriculum in Zhejiang Province from Diversity Perspective, Humanities and Social Science Research Base of Zhejiang, 2013.12-2015.12 基于多维视角的综合课程有效实施,浙江省高校人文社科重点研究基地项目,2013.12-2015.12 Principal investigator, Regard PISA as an Opportunity, Explore the Effective Implementation of Integrated Science Curriculum of Zhejiang in Mainland, Zhejiang Education Government, 2012.5-2014.5, Completed 以PISA为契机,探索浙江省综合科学课程的有效实施,浙江省教育厅,2012.5-2014.5 Principal investigator, Theory and Practice Research to Promote Students Understanding of the Nature of Science by HPS, Zhejiang Education Government, 2011, Completed. 以HPS促进学生科学本质理解的理论与实践研究(Y201018272),浙江省教育厅,2011 Principal investigator, Improving Students’ Science Literacy by Teaching NOS, Education Sciences Planning of Zhejiang Province, 2009-2010, Completed. 通过科学本质教学提高学生科学素养的研究(SCG5),省教科规划,2009-2010 Co-investigator, Curriculum Reform of “Subject Teaching Design” Based on Practice, Dialogue and Reflection. Teaching Reform Project of Zhejiang, 2013.12-2014.12. 基于实践、对话、反思的“学科教学设计”课程改革研究,浙江省教改项目,2013.12-2014.12 Co-investigator, The Design of organization-based Curriculum and the Development of Elective, Hangzhou No. 4 High organization Education Group. 2014.3-2015.3 基于深化高中课改的选修课程设计与开发,杭州四中,横向,2014.3-2015.3 Co-investigator, Science Subject Ability Model and Evaluation Framework in Compulsory Education, Key Project of Ministry of Education, 2012.12-2014.12 “十二五”教育部重点人文社科重点项目“义务教育阶段科学学科能力模型与测评框架研究”,主要成员,2012.12-2014.12 Co-investigator, Research and Implementation of High organization Physics Curriculum Standard. Ministry of Education, 2012.6-2013.1, Completed 普通高中课程标准实施调研,教育部重点课题,主要成员,2012.6-2013.1 Honors(获奖) 浙江省“之江青年社科学者行动计划”(第三期)入选,2016.1,浙江省 浙江师范大学第二届教坛新秀,2014.1,浙江师范大学 Excellent Prize of Youth Teachers’ Teaching Skills Competition in Zhejiang Province.2012 省青年教师教学技能竞赛优秀奖,2012,浙江省教育厅 First Prize of Youth Teachers’ Teaching Skills Competition of ZJNU 校青年教师教学大赛十佳之首(一等奖),2012,浙江师范大学 Excellent Instructor for Pre-service Teachers’ Teaching Competition, 2009 -2014 “大学生全国物理教学技能大赛(人教社杯、立思杯)”(2009-2014)获优秀指导教师称号,获浙江师范大学优秀指导教师称号 Excellent Young Teacher Fund in Zhejiang Universities. 2009. 获浙江省优秀青年教师资助计划人选之一,2009 Principal investigator, The First Prize of Teaching Achievement Award for Basic Education,Zhejiang, “An Empirical Study on HPS to Promote NOS understanding in Junior Science Teaching”, 2016. 以HPS促进科学本质理解的科学教学实证研究,获浙江省基础教育教学成果奖一等奖,2016 Co-investigator, The First Prize of Teaching Achievement Award for Basic Education, Zhejiang , “Questions & Tasks: An Empirical Study on Scientific Inquiry Learning in Junior High organization”, 2016 (Second). 问题·任务:初中科学深度科学探究学习的实证研究,获浙江省基础教育教学成果奖一等奖,2016(排二) Teaching(教学与学生指导) 主讲课程:科学教学论、科学教育理论与实践、科学课程标准与教材分析、物理教学设计、微格实训等本科生课程,物理课程与教学改革研究生课程 Courses for undergraduate students: Pedagogy of Science Teaching, Theory and Practice of Science Education, Research of Science Curriculum Standards and Textbooks, Physics Instructional Design; Courses for graduate students: Physics Curriculum and Teaching Reform. 指导研究生近三十人,其中两个学生获研究生国家奖学金(2013,2014);两人获优秀研究生毕业论文等; 历年指导本科生参加全国师范生教学大赛、浙江省高等学校师范技能比赛,多人获一等奖、二等奖。 Nearly 30 graduate students (2012-2017), two students attained the national scholarship (2013, 2014), two students were eligible for outstanding Master dissertation. From 2009, students attend the annual national teaching contest and provincial teaching contest, several students won the first prize, the second prize.
