  • 所属院校:
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    凝聚态物理 高空间、能量分辨率电子显微学 二维量子功能材料 纳米能源材料 Postdocpositionsavailable: 1)meVEnergyResolutionSTEM-EELS(pdforlink) 2)UCAS-NUSJointPostdocPositiononAtomic-scale(S)TEMStudyof2DMaterials(pdforlink)
  • 职称:
  • 导师类型:
  • 招生专业:


每年招收2名推免生。要求有扎实的凝聚态物理或者材料物理背景,优秀的英文沟通写作能力。招生介绍 博士期间将有半年至一年时间在国外合作组交流工作。 普博考试科目: 1、电子显微学。参考书目: by David Williams and Barry Carter。 2、固体理论。参考书目:《固体物理学》by 黄昆。 教育背景 2006-08--2010-08 Lehigh University 博士 2002-08--2006-07 清华大学 学士 工作经历 现为中国科学院大学研究员,长聘教授。 2012~2015, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Staff Scientist 2012~2014, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Wigner Fellow 2010~2012, Vanderbilt University/Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 博士后 教授课程 热力学与统计物理(英文授课) 高等物理实验(1) 科学前沿进展名家系列讲座III 科研实践Ⅰ-综合物理实验 力学习题3-2 力学 奖励和荣誉 •2019 Highly Cited Researchers, Clarivate Analytics •2019 入选第四批国家科技创新领军人才 •2018 Highly Cited Researchers, Clarivate Analytics •2018 入选北京市卓越青年科学家计划 •2016 获国家自然科学基金委“优秀青年基金”资助 •2013 Best Paper Award, , Microscopy Society of America (MSA) •2012 Eugene Wigner Fellowship, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA •2012 The Albert Crewe Award, Major society award from Microscopy Society of America (MSA) for early career scientists in the physical sciences. 在研项目: 1)科技部量子调控国家重点研发计划; 2)国家自然科学基金面上项目; 3)中国科学院B类先导科技专项; 4)中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目; 5)北京市卓越青年科学家计划; 主要合作者 Prof. Sokrates Pantelides (Vanderbilt University); Prof. Stephen Pennycook (National University of Singapore);Prof. Pulickel M. Ajayan (Rice University);Prof. Jun Lou (Rice University);Prof. Kian Ping Loh (National University of Singapore);Prof. Ding Ma (Peking University);Dr. Kazu Suenaga (AIST, Japan);Prof. Zheng Liu (Nanyang Technological University);Prof. Qihua Xiong (Nanyang Technological University);Dr. Juan-Carlos Idrobo (Oak Ridge National Laboratory);Dr. Andrew Lupini (Oak Ridge National Laboratory);Prof. Hongjie Dai (Stanford University);Prof. Jing Kong (MIT);Prof. Christopher Kiely (Lehigh University) 课题组成员 Weidi Sun, Research Assistant, (2019, The University of British Columbia) Roger Guzman, Postdoc, electron microscopy Bao Lei, Postdoc, density functional theory Meng Gao, PhD Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Dongqian Meng, M.S. Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Siyuan Zhou, PhD Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Ao-Wen Li, PhD Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Yinhang Ma, PhD Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Mingquan Xu, PhD Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Yunli Da, M.S. Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Yong Zhu, PhD Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Xiya Chen, PhD Candidate, organization of Physical Sciences, UCAS. Co-supervised with Prof. Hong-Jun Gao.
