EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE EDUCATION Graduated from Department of Biology USTC in 1982, and received the degree of Master of Science from Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1986. PROFESSIONAL CAREER Since 1986, Prof. Liwen Niu has had a job as Professor Assistant (1986-1987), Lecturer (1987-1989), Associate Professor (1989-1995) and Professor (1995-now) in University of Science and Technology of China, and as Visiting Associate Professor (1993) and Research Associate (1995-1996), has joined the teamwork headed by Dr. Janet Smith in Purdue University USA. SOCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Vice-chair of Department of Biology USTC (1994-1997); Associate Dean (1998-2003) and Chief Executive Dean (2003-now), organization of Life Sciences USTC; Vice-director (1997-2002) and Director (2002-now), Key Laboratory of Structural Biology, CAS; Standing member (1999-now) and Director of Macromolecular Committee (2004-now), Crystallographic Union of China; Standing Member, Society of Biophysics of China (2001-now).