Martiros Khurshudyan, male, was born in Yerevan, Armenia on 21 April 1985. In 2008, he obtained a bachelor degree in theoretical physics from Yerevan State University, Armenia. In 2010, he obtained a master degree in theoretical physics from Yerevan State University. In 2017 he obtained his PhD in theoretical physics from Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia. Since 2008 September Dr. Martiros Khurshudyan was working as researcher on cosmology and astrophysics at different institutions in Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Russia and Armenia. He got Marie Curie and Banach research fellowships for the research in Italy and Poland, respectively. Recently he got HAYKYAN award from the president of Armenia for his contribution in cosmology and astrophysics. He also got several grants from the government of Armenia during his early research career. He is the author of more than 50 papers in cosmology addressing different problems of the filed, being in a collaboration with different groups in Italy, Spain, Japan, Norway and Russia. Thanks to the "Chinese Academy of Sciences Presidents International Fellowship Initiative Grant" he joined to the University of Science and Technology of China in April 2018 for the second postdoc term. The first postdoc he had immediately after the PhD defence at TUSUR, Tomsk, Russia. He continues his research in cosmology and astrophysics at the Department of Astronomy at the University of Science and Technology of China.