Education: 2013-2017 Ph.D. in Mechanical & Automation Engineering,The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 2010-2013 Mphil. in Energy & Power Engineering, Xi’anJiaotong University. 2006-2010 B.S in Chemical Process Equipment Engineering,Tianjin University. Working Experience: 2018. 10~Present Assistant Professor, Shenzhen University. 2017-2018 Post-Doctoral Research Associate, The Chinese Universityof Hong Kong. Biography: Dr. Hongning Chen received his double B.S. degree in ChemicalProcess Equipment Engineering & Business Administration from the TianjinUniversity, China, in 2010. He received his Mphil. degree in Energy & PowerEngineering from the Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, in 2013 supervised byProf. Jinjia Wei. He received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical & AutomationEngineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2017 supervisedby Prof. Yi-Chun Lu. After his graduate study, he worked as a Post-Doctoral ResearchAssociate at the Electrochemical Energy & Interfaces Laboratory in The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong. Dr. Chen is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of EnergyScience and Engineering of Shenzhen University.