教育经历: 2005 – 2011 博士,东南大学物理系,导师:黄洪斌教授 2001 – 2005 学士,东南大学物理系 研究经历: 2017.02 – now, organization of Physics and Information Technology,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi'an, China 2016.10 – 2017.01 Visiting scientist, Complex system division, Beijing Computational Science Research Centre (CSRC), Beijing, China 2013.10 – 2016.10 Postdoc, Project Group 4 - Epidemiological Modeling of Infectious diseases (headed by Prof. Dirk Brockmann) Robert-Koch Institute (equivalent to German CDC) & Institute for Theoretical Biology (ITB), Department of Biology, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany 2011.08 – 2013.09 Postdoc, Department of Biological physics, Max Planck Institute for the physics of complex systems, Dresden, Germany 教授课程: 热学(大一春季学期) 教育实习(大四秋季学期) 计算物理(大四秋季学期) 热力学与统计物理 (大三秋季学期)