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Education 5/1999~5/2002 Graduate student (Ph. D. degree awarded in July, 2002) Chemical Biology, Nucleic acid chemistry and bioorganic chemistry Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Supervisor: Professor Albert S. C. Chan 9/1997~5/1999 Graduate student (M. S. degree awarded in April, 1999) Polymer Chemistry Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China Supervisor: Professor Rongben Zhang 9/1988~7/1993 Undergraduate student (B. S. degree, first honor, awarded in July, 1993) Polymer Chemistry University of Science and Technology of China, P. R. China Research Experience 6/2009~ Professor Biopolymers and Chemical Biology Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University 1/2005~5/2009 Principle Investigator, Professor Chemical Biology and Bio-Nanotechnology National Centre for NanoScience & Technology, China 2/2003~1/2005 NanoIRC Postdoc Research Associate Chemical Biology and Bio-Nanotechnology Department of Chemistry, University Chemical Laboratory University of Cambridge 5/2002~1/2003 Postdoc Research Associate Chemical Biology, Organic, Bioorganic and Nucleic acid chemistry Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 7/1997~5/1999 Assistant professor Polymer Chemistry and Physics Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China 7/1993~7/1997 Research Associate Polymer Chemistry and Physics Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. R. China
