Prof. Jin-Pei Cheng, born in Tianjin, China, received his M.Sc. in 1981 with Chen-Heng Kao at Nankai University and Ph.D. in 1987 with Fred Bordwell at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill., where he learned more details on chemical bonds. He then worked with Ned Arnett as a postdoctoral fellow at Duke University. In 1988, he started his academic career as a lecturer, then associate professor (1988) and professor (1990) at Nankai University, where he also acted as vice president for research and international in 1995-2000. After a service as vice minister of S&T (for basic research), he resumed his full-time research on bond energetics and its applications at the State key Lab on Elemento-organic Chemistry, Nankai University. He is a member of CAS (2001-) and TWAS (2001-), and a fellow of RSC (2007-). In 2016, he with team built the internet Bond-energy Databank (iBonD) for free access. He is also one of the contributors of CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (for BDEs) since 2012.