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1995-1999 南京信息工程大学 数学系 信息与计算科学专业 理学学士
1999-2002南京航空航天大学 理学院数学系 理学硕士
2002-2006南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院空气动力学系 理学博士
2006-2008南京大学 数学系 博士后(理学)
2009.7.中科院计算数学与科学工程计算研究所 访问学者
2010-2011新加坡国立大学 机械工程系 博士后(工学)
Journal of Computational Physics;
Journal of Scientific Computing;
Communications in Computational Physics;
Computers Fluids;
Computational and Applied Mathematics;
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics;
Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications;


1. J. Zhu, J. Qiu, C.-W. Shu and M. Dumbser: Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method using WENO limiters II: Unstructured meshes , J. Comput. Phys., 227 (2008) 4330-4353.
2. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: A Class of Forth order Finite Volume Hermite Weighted Essentially Non-oscillatory Schemes, Science in China, Series A--Mathematics, 51 (2008), 1549-1560.
3. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Hermite WENO schemes and their application as limiters for Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method III: Unstructured meshes, J. Sci. Comput., 39 (2009), 293- 321.
4. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Trigonometric WENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws and highly oscillatory problems, Commun.Comput. Phys., 8 (2010), 1242-1263.
5. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Local DG method using WENO type limiters for convection-diffusion problems, J. Comput. Phys., 230 (2011), 4353-4375.
6. J. Zhu, J. Qiu, T. G. Liu and B. C. Khoo: RKDG methods with WENO type limiters and conservative interfacial procedure for one-dimensional compressible multi-medium flow simulations Appl. Numer. Math., 61(2011), 554-580.
7. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method using WENO type limiters: Three dimensional unstructured meshes, Commun.Comput. Phys., 11 (2012), 985-1005.
8. J. Zhu, T. G. Liu, J. Qiu and B. C. Khoo: RKDG methods with WENO limiters for unsteady cavitating flow, Computers Fluids, 57(2012), 52-65.
9. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: WENO schemes and their application as limiters for RKDG methods based on trigonometric approximation spaces, J. Sci. Comput., 55 (2013), 606-644.
10. J. Zhu, X. Zhong, C.-W. Shu and J. Qiu: Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method using a new type of WENO limiters on unstructured mesh, J. Comput. Phys., 248 (2013), 200-220.
11. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Hermite WENO schemes for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on unstructured meshes, J. Comput. Phys., 254 (2013), 76-92.
12. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Finite volume Hermite WENO schemes for solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, Commun.Comput. Phys., 15 (2014), 959-980.
13. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Finite volume Hermite WENO schemes for solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equations II: unstructured meshes, Computers Math. Appl., 68 (2014), 1137-1150.
14. J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Adaptive Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin methods with the modified ghost fluid method for solving the compressible two-medium flow, J. Math. Study, 47(2014), 250-273.
15. J. Zhu, X. Zhong, C.-W. Shu and J. Qiu: Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method with a simple and compact Hermite WENO limiter, Commun.Comput. Phys., 19(2016), 944-969.
16. J. Zhu, X. Zhong, C.-W. Shu and J. Qiu: Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method with a simple and compact Hermite WENO limiter on unstructured meshes, Commun.Comput. Phys., to appear..
17. Jun Zhu, Ning Zhao, Huasheng Zheng. High order localized ENO schemes on unstructured meshes for conservation laws. Modern Physics Letters B, 2005, Vol. 19, No. 28-29: 1563- 1566.
18. Lu Haitian, Zhu Jun, Wang Donghong, Zhao Ning. Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method with front tracking method for solving the compressible two-medium flow. Computers and Fluids, 2016, 126(1): 1-11.
19. J. Qiu and J. Zhu: RKDG with WENO type limiter, ADIGMA - A European Initiative on the Development of Adaptive Higher-Order Variational Methods for Aerospace Applications, Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, Volume 113, Springer, 2010
20. Lu Haitian, Zhu Jun, Wang Chunwu, Zhao Ning. Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method with front tracking method for solving the compressible two-medium flow on unstructured meshes. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2017, 9(1): 1-19.
21. X. Cai, J. Zhu and J. Qiu: Hermite WENO schemes with strong stability preserving multi-step temporal discretization methods for conservation laws, J. Comput. Math., to appear.
22. J. Zhu and J. Qiu, A new fifth order finite difference WENO scheme for solving hyperbolic conservation laws, J. Comput. Phys., 318 (2016), 110-121.
23. 朱君,赵宁,戴嘉尊. R-M界面不稳定性Level Set方法. 南京理工大学学报,2004, 28 (2): 190-193.
24. 朱君,赵宁. 非结构网格多区域动态加密及分布式并行计算. 空气动力学学报,2005,23(1):79-83.
25. 朱君,赵宁. 二维非结构网格生成及其数值模拟. 南京航空航天大学学报,2005,37(2):159-163.
26. 朱君,赵宁. 一种MWENO格式的构造和应用. 空气动力学学报,2005,23(3):330-333.
27. 朱君, 赵宁,郑华盛. 一种MWENO谱体积 (SVMWENO5) 格式. 空气动力学学报,2006,24(3): 331-334.
28. 朱君,赵宁. Euler方程非结构网格分布式并行计算. 数值计算与计算机应用,2007, 28(3): 161-166.
29. 朱君,赵宁. 结构网格MWENO-7格式的构造和应用. 南京航空航天大学学报,2007, 39(4): 440-443.
30. 张学莹,赵宁,朱君, 多流体界面不稳定性的守恒和非守恒高精度数值模拟方法, 爆炸与冲击, 26(1), 65-70, 2006.
31. 孔维庆, 朱君, 结构网格FVWENO格式构造及浸入边界ghost cell方法研究. 西安文理学院学报,第15卷,第1期, 12-15, 2012.
32. 郑华盛, 赵宁, 朱君, 二维非结构网格上的高精度有限体积WENO 格式,空气动力学学报, 第28卷, 第4期,446-451,2010.
33. 王丽丽, 朱君, 一种高精度MWENO格式及在Riemann问题中的应用. 西安文理学院学报,第15卷,第1期, 16-19, 2012.
34. 李自启, 朱君, WENO格式与虚拟单元浸入边界法在笛卡尔网格中的应用. 南京信息工程大学学报, 第5卷, 第1期, 86-89, 2013.
35. 倪建;朱君, 带TVB 限制器的RKDG 方法与浸入边界方法在Euler 方程南京信息工程大学学报(自然科学版), 6(1), pp 89-93, 2014.
36. 杨磊;朱君, 基于带限制器的RKDG法的可压缩流数值模拟扬州大学学报(自然科学版), 17(3), pp 24-28, 2014.
37. 刘旭朱君 赵宁, 虚拟单元有限体积WENO5格式及其应用, 数值计算与计算机应用,2016年第37卷第2期 152-164.
38. 杨祥生,赵宁,田琳琳,朱 君,基于Park-Gauss模型的风场尾流数值模拟研究,太阳能学报,已录用。
39. 李自启;朱君, 基于Ghost Cell方法的MWENO格式Euler方程求解, 南昌大学学报(工科版), 04期, 335-339, 2013.
40. Lu Haitian, Zhu Jun, Wang Chunwu, Wang Donghong, Zhao Ning. A Riemann problem based method for solving compressible and incompressible flows, submitted to Journal of Computational Physics.
41. Haitian Lu, Jun Zhu, Ning Zhao, A discontinuous Galerkin method and front tracking method for solving compressible and incompressible flows, submitted to Computers Fluids.
42. J. Zhu and J. Qiu, High order mapped finite difference WENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws, submitted to J. Sci. Comput.
43. J. Zhu and J. Qiu, A new fifth order finite difference WENO scheme for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, submitted to Numer. Method PDEs.
44. J. Zhu and J. Qiu, A new type of modified WENO schemes for solving hyperbolic conservation laws , submitted to SIAM. J. Sci. Comput.

1.卢海天, 刘旭, 朱君等. 《基于非结构RKDG实现多介质界面追踪的数值模拟方法》,申请号:201510816694.0(已公开)
2.卢海天, 赵宁, 朱君等. 《可压缩气体与不可压缩液体多介质界面追踪数值方法》,申请号:201610092329.4(已公开)
3. 刘旭, 朱君, 赵宁.《一种有限体积加权基本无振荡格式的全流场数值模拟方法》,申请号:201610091491.4(已公开)

1 Navier-Stokes方程自适应非结构网格虚拟单元浸入边界保正性间断有限元方法研究 (青年面上连续资助项目)
2 基于自适应非结构网格的虚拟单元浸入边界间断有限元方法研究(青年科学基金项目)
3 飞行器复杂流场高精度快速模拟分析平台及验证(重大研究计划)
4 多介质流体的自适应高分辨算法研究(重大研究计划)
5 多介质流体界面不稳定性的界面追踪方法与程序研究(联合基金项目)
6 间断Galerkin有限元方法的误差分析研究(面上项目)
7 多介质流动问题的界面处理方法及自适应网格技术研究(青年科学基金项目)
