2017.7-至今, 西北工业大学自动化学院,教授 2014.5-2017.6,西北工业大学自动化学院,副教授 2010.7-2014.4,西北工业大学自动化学院,讲师 1.自适应信号处理:针对有源的主瓣干扰、拖曳干扰等,研究有源干扰抑制和干扰的方法。主要面向无线通信、卫星导航、雷达、射频制导等干扰和抗干扰技术。2.航天器的控制技术:针对航天器的可重构、即插即用、变体控制等进行研究。主要面向卫星的可重构和即插即用技术、导弹变体控制等方面。 主要论著(第一作者):1. 数学模型理论的分析及应用,机械工业出版社,2017.2. Convergence and Performance Analysis of the Affine Projection Algorithm with Direction Error. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 26(2): 351-357, 2017.3. Flight Control Law of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based on Robust Servo Linear Quadratic Regulator and Kalman Filtering. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, DOI: 10.1177/1729881416686952, 2017.4. Statistical Tracking Behavior of Affine Projection Algorithm for Unity Step Size. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 283: 22-28, 2016.5. Optimal Step-Size of Pseudo Affine Projection Algorithm. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 273: 82-88, 2016.6. Statistical Convergence Behavior of Affine Projection Algorithms. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 270: 511-526, 2015.7. Discrete Control of Longitudinal Dynamics for Hypersonic Flight Vehicle Using Neural Networks. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s11432-015-5351-5, 2015.8. On the Convergence Behavior of Affine Projection Algorithm with Direction Error. Asian Journal of Control, 16(2): 530-538, 2014.9. A New Affine Projection Algorithm and Its Statistical Behavior. Chinese Journal of Electronics, 22(3): 537-542, 2013.10. Adaptive IIR Filtering Based on Balanced-Realization. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 24(1): 19-25, 2013.11. 一种基于回归估计误差仿射投影算法的统计特性分析,自动化学报,39(3): 244-250, 2013.12. Steady-State Weights Solution of Affine Projection Algorithm. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 10(2): 259-263, 2012.