马增胜,男,出生于山东德州,工学博士、博导。主要从事薄膜动力电源关键材料,包括正极材料、负极材料、电池外壳等材料的制备及力、电、化、热等多场耦合问题的研究。目前已在Int. J. Plast.、J. Power Sources、Mech. Mater.等国际期刊上发表多篇SCI源刊学术论文,担任Int. J. Plast., Energy Environ. Sci., Mech. Mater.等国际期刊评审。
Z. Ma, X. Gao, Y. Wang, C. Lu. Effects of size and concentration on diffusion-induced stress in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2016) 025302.Z. Ma, T. Li, Y. Huang, J. Liu, Y. Zhou, D. Xue. Critical silicon-anode size for averting lithiation-induced mechanical failure of lithium-ion batteries, RSC Advances 3 (2013) 7398-7402.Z. Ma, Z. Xie, Y. Wang, C. Lu. Softening by electrochemical reaction-induced dislocations in lithium-ion batteries, Scripta Materialia 127 (2017) 33-36.Z. Ma, Z. Xie, Y. Wang, P. Zhang, Y. Pan, Y. Zhou, C. Lu. Failure modes of hollow core–shell structural active materials during the lithiation–delithiation process, Journal of Power Sources 290 (2015) 114-122.Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, S. Long, C. Lu. On the intrinsic hardness of a metallic film/substrate system: Indentation size and substrate effects, International Journal of Plasticity 34 (2012) 1-11.Z. Ma, Y. Zhou, S. Long, X. Zhong, C. Lu. Characterization of stress-strain relationships of elastoplastic materials: An improved method with conical and pyramidal indenters, Mechanics of Materials 54 (2012) 113-123.Y. Wang, Y. Pu, Z. Ma, Y. Pan, C.Q. Sun. Interfacial adhesion energy of lithium-ion battery electrodes, Extreme Mechanics Letters 9 (2016) 226-236.马增胜, 周益春, 刘军, 薛冬峰, 杨庆生, 潘勇. 锂离子电池硅负极材料衰退机理的研究进展, 力学进展 43 (2013) 581-599.