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邓伟,重庆大学生命科学学院教授,博士生导师,中美联合培养博士,加拿大埃尔伯塔大学博士后。以第1或通讯作者先后在New Phytologist(IF=6.7)、Plant Journal(IF=6.5)、Plant Physiology (IF=6.5)、Journal of Experimental Botany(5.3)、Planta(IF=3)、Plant Science(IF=2.9)等国际著名植物学杂志发表论文。其中1篇论文被Faculty of 1000推荐。近五年来以第1作者,通讯作者发表论文总影响因子共达31,主持2项国家自然科学基金,其中1项已结题,主持完成1项重庆市自然科学基金,主研1项国家科技部863项目课题,主研1项国家科技部973项目课题,主研科技部重大科技攻关等项目。以第1申请人获得国家发明专利2项。


发表的重要文章:Chen G1, Deng Wei1, Peng F, Truksa M, Singer S, Snyder CL, Mietkiewska E, Weselake RJ. (2013) Brassica napus TT16 homologs with different genomic origins and expression levels encode proteins that regulate a broad range of endothelium-associated genes at the transcriptional level. Plant Journal 74:663-677 (共同第1作者)Deng Wei, Chen G, Peng F, Truksa M, Snyder CL, Weselake RJ. (2012) Transparent Testa16 Plays Multiple Roles in Plant Development and is Involved in Fatty Acid Synthesis and Embryo Development in Brassica napus. Plant Physiology. 160(2):978-89Deng Wei, Yan F, Liu M, Wang X and Li Z. (2012) Downregulation of SlIAA15 intomato altered stem xylem development and production of volatile compounds in leaf exudates. Plant Signaling Behavior. 7(8):911-3Deng Wei, Yang YW, Ren ZX, Audran Delalande C, Mila I, Wang XY, Song HL, Hu YH, Bouzayen M, Li Zhengguo. (2012) The Tomato SlIAA15 Is Involved in Trichome Formation and Axillary Shoot Development. New Phytologist 194: 379-390Deng W, Luo K, Li ZG, Yang YW. (2009) A novel method for induction of plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis. Plant Science 177: 43-48Deng W, Luo K, Li Z, Yang Y, Hu N, Wu Y. (2009) Overexpression of Citrus junos mitochondrial citrate synthase gene in Nicotiana benthamiana confers aluminum tolerance. Planta 230: 355-365Deng W, Luo K, Li ZG, Yang YW. (2008) Molecular cloning and characterization of a mitochondrial dicarboxylate/tricarboxylate transporter gene in Citrus junos response to aluminum stress. Mitochondrial DNA 19(4): 376-384Deng Wei, Luo KM, Li DM, Zheng XL, Wei XY, Smith W, Thammina C, Lu LT, Li Y, Pei Y. (2006) Overexpression of an Arabidopsis magnesium transport gene, AtMGT1, in Nicotiana benthamiana confers Al tolerance. Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 4235-4243Yang CW1, Deng W1, Tang N, Li ZG. 2012. Overexpression of ZmAFB2, a maize homologue of AFB2 gene, enhances salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture. 112:171-179 (共同第1作者)Yan F1, Deng Wei1, Wang X, Yang C, Li ZG. (2012) Maize (Zea mays L.) homologue of ABA-insensitive (ABI) 5 gene plays a negative regulatory role in abiotic stresses response. Plant Growth Regulation 68:383-393 (共同第1作者)Zheng XL1, Deng Wei1, Luo KM, Duan H, Chen YQ, McAvoy R, Song SQ, Pei Y, Li Y. (2007) The5’-CaMV 35S gene sequence alters levels and patterns of adjacent tissue- and organ-specific gene promoter activities. Plant Cell Reports 26:1195-1203 (共同第1作者) (Highlighted by Faculty of 1000)Luo KM1, Deng Wei1, Xiao Y, Zheng XL, Li Y, Pei Y. (2006) Leaf senescence is delayed in tobacco plants expressing the maize knotted1 gene under the control of a wound-inducible promoter. Plant Cell Reports 25:1246-1254 (共同第1作者)
