2016.8 ~ : 西北工业大学 理学院 讲师。主持的科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 动态不确定环境下置信社团挖掘及在信息流控制中的应用 (No. 61701409), 2018.01-2020.12 期刊论文:1. Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,Quan Pan, and Zhun-ga Liu. SELP: Semi-supervised evidential labelpropagation algorithm for graph data clustering. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 92: 139-154, 2018.2. Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,Quan Pan, and Zhun-ga Liu. ECMdd: Evidential c-medoids clustering with multipleprototypes. Pattern Recognition,60:239–257, 2016.3. Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,and Quan Pan. The Belief-Noisy-OR model applied to network reliabilityanalysis. International Journal ofUncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 24(06):937-960,2016. 4. Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,Quan Pan, and Zhun-ga Liu. Median evidential c-means algorithm and itsapplication to community detection. Knowledge-BasedSystems, 74:69–88, 2015.5. Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,and Quan Pan. A similarity-based community detection method with multipleprototype representation. Physica A:Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 438:519–531, 2015. 会议论文:1.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,and Quan Pan. Evidence combination for a large number of sources. In 20th International Conference on InformationFusion, pages 999–1006. IEEE, 2017.2.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,Quan Pan, and Zhun-ga Liu. Evidential label propagation algorithm for graphs.In 19th International Conference on InformationFusion, pages 1316–1323. IEEE, 2016.3.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,and Quan Pan. Semi-supervised evidential label propagation algorithm for graphdata. In 4th International Conferenceon Belief Functions, pages 123–133. Springer, 2016. (Award: Beststudent paper)4.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,Quan Pan, and Zhun-ga Liu. Evidential relational clustering usingmedoids. In 18th InternationalConference on Information Fusion, pages 413–420. IEEE, 2015.5.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,and Quan Pan. Evidential community detection using structural and attributeinformation. Atelier Réseaux Sociaux etIntelligence Artificielle, France, 2015. 6.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,and Quan Pan. Evidential communities for complex networks. In 15th International Conference on InformationProcessing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems,France, pages 557–566. Springer, 2014.7.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin,and Quan Pan. Evidential-EM algorithm applied to progressively censoredobservations. In 15th InternationalConference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-BasedSystems, pages 180–189. Springer, 2014.8.Salma Ben Dhaou, KuangZhou, Mouloud Kharoune, Arnaud Martin, and Boutheina Ben Yaghlane. TheAdvantage of Evidential Attributes in Social Networks. In 20th International Conference on Information Fusion, pages 991–998.IEEE, 2017.9.Wiem Maalel, KuangZhou, Arnaud Martin, and Zied Elouedi. Belief hierarchical clustering. In 3rd International Conferenceon Belief Functions, Oxford, UK , pages 68-76. Springer, 2014.专著:1.刘准钆, 潘泉, Jean Dezert, 周旷, 焦连猛. 不确定数据信任分类与融合. 北京: 科学出版社, 2016. 软件包:1.Kuang Zhou, Arnaud Martin.ibelief: Belief Function Implementation. R package version 1.3.
2013.9 ~ 2016.7: 法国雷恩第一大学 信息科学 博士2010.9 ~ 2013.3: 西北工业大学 应用数学 硕士2006.9 ~ 2010.7: 长安大学 信息与计算科学 学士