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2017.7—至今  西北工业大学自动化学院电气工程系,副研究员 研究方向: 航空起动/发电系统,无位置传感器控制,电机驱动 期刊论文: [1] Ningfei Jiao, Weiguo Liu, Tao Meng, et al. Design and Control of a Two-Phase Brushless Exciter for Aircraft Wound-Rotor Synchronous Starter/Generator in the Starting Mode [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016, 31(6): 4452-4461.(SCI, IF=7.151) [2] Ningfei Jiao, Weiguo Liu, Tao Meng, et al. Detailed Excitation Control Methods for Two-Phase Brushless Exciter of the Wound-Rotor Synchronous Starter/Generator in the Starting Mode. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2017, 53(1): 115-123. (SCI, IF=2.937) [3] Ningfei Jiao, Weiguo Liu, Zan Zhang, et al. Field Current Estimation for Wound-Rotor Synchronous Starter-Generator with Asynchronous Brushless Exciters. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2017, 32(4): 1554-1561.(SCI, IF=3.808)   [4] Ningfei Jiao, Weiguo Liu, Ji Pang, et al. Integrated model of brushless wound-rotor synchronous starter-generator based on improved Parametric Average-Value Model of rotating rectifier. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems , 2018, 96(C): 106-113.(SCI, IF=3.289)    会议论文: [1] Ningfei Jiao,  Weiguo Liu, Jichang Peng, et al. Design and control strategy of a two-phase brushless exciter for three-stage starter/generator. 2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 2014: 5864-5869.(国际顶级会议) [2] Ningfei Jiao,  Weiguo Liu, Tao Meng, et al. Research on excitation control methods for the two-phase brushless exciter of wound-rotor synchronous starter/generators in the starting mode. 2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC). 2016: 2776-2781.(国际顶级会议) 授权专利: [1] 焦宁飞 , 刘卫国, 孟涛, 骆光照, 毛帅. 航空三级式起动发电系统起动阶段励磁控制方法. 中国专利: ZL2015102704352, 2017-04-05. (授权) [2] 刘卫国, 焦宁飞 , 骆光照, 蒋鸿. 两相无刷励磁机在三级式起动/发电系统起动发电过程中的控制方法. 中国专利: ZL201310395043X, 2015-09-23. (授权) [3] 刘卫国, 焦宁飞 , 孟涛, 骆光照, 彭纪昌. 两相励磁机的航空三级式无刷发电系统起动励磁控制方法. 中国专利: ZL2015102690805, 2017-04-06. (授权)


2011.9—2017.6  西北工业大学  自动化学院  博士;  2014.3—2015.3  美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校  国家公派博士联合培养; 2007.9—2011.7  西北工业大学  自动化学院  本科。
