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主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与了国家自然科学青年基金项目1项,天津市科委支撑计划项目和重点项目各1项,天津市教委项目1项,博士后基金项目1项,浙江理工大学重点开发基金项目1项,横向项目5项,国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目3项。主持项目总研究经费140余万。发表论文:Kang Weimin, Jia Zhixia, Liu Hao*, Cheng Bowen, A method for fabricating polymethylmethacrylate nanotube arrays based on spin-coating method and PAA templates,micro & nano letters, 2016,11(4):221-223Xu Yanfang, Li Xiaojiu, Liu Hao*, A novel method for fabricating double layer porous anodic alumina in phosphoric/oxalic acid solution and oxalic acid solution, Journal of nanomaterials, 2016, 2016(10):1-6Liu Hao*, Li Jin*, Chen Li, Thermal-electronic behaviors investigation of knitted heating fabrics based on silver plating compound yarns, Textile Research Journal,2015,11,online published徐艳芳,李晓久,刘皓*,磷酸/草酸混合溶液中锥形多孔阳极氧化铝的制备与表征,化工进展,2016, 35(2),544-548.徐艳芳,刘皓*,李晓久.纳米有序多孔阳极氧化铝制备方法的研究进展, 化工进展, 2015, 34(12).Liu Hao*, Tao Xiaoming. Evaluation Methods and Instruments of Dry Biopotential Electrodes,Handbook of Smart Textiles. DOI 10.1007/978-981-4451-68-0_33-1. Springer Science+Business Media Singapore. Published,2015.7Yan-fang Xu, Hao Liu*, Xiao-jiu Li, Wei-min Kang, Bo-wen Cheng, Xiao-jie Li. A novel method for fabricating self-ordered porous anodic alumina with wide interpore distance using phosphoric/oxalic acid, Materials Letters, 2015, 151, 79–81.Liu Hao*, Wang Xin, Li Jin, Kang Weimin, Cheng Bowen, Hao Lei, Xu Yan. Fabrication and Characterization of Nano-SiC/ Thermoplastic Polyurethane Hybrid Heating Membranes Based on Fine Silver Filaments, Journal of applied polymer science, 2015, 132, 41498-41507.刘皓*,李津,陈莉,康卫民,杨海乐,针织加热织物的热电性能,纺织学报,2015,36(1),50-54.刘皓*, 赵婷婷, 李津, 邓嘉莹, 康卫民, 程博闻, 景静,基于多孔阳极氧化铝的单层纳米柱阵列PMMA膜的制备,功能材料,2014,11(45).Hao Liu, Tao Xiaoming*, Xu Pengjun, Zhang Hui and Bai Ziqian, A dynamic measurement system for evaluating dry bio-potential surface electrodes. Measurement, 2013, 46(6), 1903-1914.Kang Weimin, Liu Hao, Li Lei, Zhao Yixia, Cheng Bowen. Simulation of Electric Field Intensity and Electrostatic Force in Electrospinning System Using Finite Element Method. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications(JDCTA), 2013,7(2), 750-758.Jin Li*, Hao Liu, Yuxiu Wang, Lingling Shi, Fengxia He, Development of a low cost portable pressure measurement system for garment design. Measurement, 2012, 45(8):2211-2217Hao Liu, Yi Zhang*, Xiaojiu Li, Li Chen, Yuxiu Wang, Yan Gao, Development and characterization of flexible heating fabric based on conductive filaments. Measurement, 2012,45(7) :1865-1875Liu Hao*, Kang Weimin, Tao Xiaoming, Bai Ziqian, Xu Pengjun, Zhang Hui. Performance Evaluation of Surface Biopotential Dry Electrodes based on PSD and EIS, International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technology(IJACT). 2012, 4(20), 497-505.Liu Hao*, Tao Xiaoming, Xu Pengjun, Qiu Guanxiong. Classification of bio-potential surface electrode based on FKCM and SVM. Journal of Software, 2011, 6(5): 880-886.


天津工业大学,纺织材料与纺织品设计专业,学士学位, 2001;天津工业大学,纺织材料与纺织品设计专业,硕士学位, 2004;天津工业大学,纺织工程专业,博士学位,2011。
