主要论著目录:1.XiaoluZhang, Yi Qiu, Michael Griffin, Developing a finite element model of a car seatwith occupant for predicting vibration transmissibility in the verticaldirection, Ergonomics, 2015, 58(7): 1220-12312.XiaoluZhang, Yi Qiu, Michael Griffin, The effect of thickness of open-cellpolyurethane foam on the vertical in-line transmissibility and fore-and-aftcross-axis transmissibility: vertical seat vibration, International Journal ofIndustrial Ergonomics, 2015, 48: 36-453.XiaoluZhang, Yi Qiu, Michael Griffin, Transmission of fore-and-aft vibration to theseat pan, the backrest and the headrest of a car seat, Journal of AutomobileEngineering: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D,2016,230 ( 6): 736-7444.XiaoluZhang, Yi Qiu, Michael Griffin,Staticand dynamic stiffness of the cushion of a car seat,The5th International Conference on Whole Body Vibration Injuries,held at The Coronel Institute of Occupational Health, AcademicMedical Center, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5-7 June 20135.XiaoluZhang, YiQiu, Michael Griffin,Transmission of vertical floor vibrationto various locations on a car seat,The 47th UnitedKingdom Conference on Human Responses to Vibration,heldat ISVR, University of Southampton, Southampton, England, U.K., 17-19 September2012
2002-2006 武汉理工大学本科。2006-2008 华中科技大学硕士。2008-2010 南安普顿大学硕士。2010-2014 南安普顿大学博士。