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现主持承担各类研究项目多项,其中包括国家自然科学基金项目、北京市自然科学基金、北京市教委科技计划面上项目,参与国家基础研究计划(973)和高技术发展研究计划(863)等重大项目多项。迄今为止,发表SCI检录学术论文30余篇,其中多篇发表在Acta Mater.、Scripta Mater.、Mater.Sci.Eng.A.等国际权威学术刊物,申请国家专利5项。代表性论文: [1] Wu H., Wen S. P.*, et.al, Effect of Er additions on the precipitation strengthening of Al-Hf alloys, Scriptat Materialia, 2014, 87:5-8 [2] Wen S. P., Gao K. Y., et.al, Role of Yb and Si on the precipitation hardening and recrystallization of dilute Al-Zr alloys, Journal of alloys and compounds, 2014, 599: 65-70 [3] Sheng Ping Wen, Bo Long Li, et.al, Strain Induced Rapid Precipitation in Al-Er-Zr Alloy, Materials science forum, 2014, 794-796:1044 [4] S.P. Wen, K.Y. Gao, H.Huang, W. Wang, Z.R.Nie, Role of Yb and Si on the precipitation hardening and recrystallization of dilute Al-Zr alloys, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2014, 599:65-70 [5] S.P. Wen, K.Y. Gao, H.Huang, W. Wang, Z.R.Nie, Precipitation evolution in Al-Er-Zr alloys during aging at elevated temperature, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2013, 574:92-97 [6] S.P. Wen, K.Y. Gao, Y. Li, H.Huang, Z.R.Nie, Synergetic effect of Er and Zr on the precipitation hardening of Al-Er-Zr alloy, Scripta Materialia, 2011,65:592-595 [7] S.P. Wen, Z.B. Xing, H. Huang, B.L. Li, W. Wang, Z.R. Nie, The effect of erbium on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al–Mg–Mn–Zr alloy, Materials science and engineering A, 2009, 516:42-49 [8] S.P. Wen, F. Zeng, F. Pan, Z.R. Nie, The influence of grain morphology on indentation deformation characteristic of metallic nano-multilayers, Materials science and engineering A, 2009, 526:566-570 [9] S.P. Wen, R.L. Zong, F. Zeng, S. Guo, F. Pan, Nanoindentation and nanoscratch behaviors of Ag/Ni multilayers, Applied surface science, 2009, 255:4558-4562 [10] S.P. Wen, J.G. Guo, Development of arrayed nanoporous Ag/W films by alternate deposition, Materials Technology, 2013, 28 ( 3):165-168


