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近年主持和参与的科研项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目, 11272087、三维整体编织复合材料多通管件多尺寸细观结构和疲劳强度,2012.01-2016.12国家自然科学基金青年项目,11502163,四步法三维编织复合材料弯曲疲劳失效多尺度损伤模型,2016.01-2018.12天津市自然科学基金重点项目,16JCZDJC36600,高铁转向架用高性能结构-阻尼复合材料设计制备及应用,2016.04-2019.03获奖情况:陕西高等学校科学技术奖二等奖近年发表代表性文章:1. Liwei Wu, Fa Zhang, Baozhong Sun, Bohong Gu. Finite element analyses on three-point low-cyclic bending fatigue of 3-D braided composite materials at microstructure level, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 84: 41-53.2. Liwei Wu, Bohong Gu, Baozhong Sun. Finite element analyses of four-step 3-D braided composite braided composite bending damage using repeating unit cell model, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 2015, 24(1):59-75.3. Liwei Wu, Baozhong Sun, Bohong Gu. Numerical analyses of bending fatigue of four-step three-dimensional rectangular braided composite materials from unit cell approach. The Journal of the Textile Institute, 2015, 106(1):67-79.4. Liwei Wu, Bohong Gu. Fatigue behaviors of four-step three-dimensional braided composite material: a meso-scale approach computation, Textile Research Journal, 2014, 84(18): 1915-19305. Liwei Wu, Kun Luan, Fa Zhang. Investigation and exploration of a new indoor air filtration material. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 182: 208-2126. Liwei Wu, Jianzhong Liu, Jinmei Wang, Study on the Spinning Process of Kevlar Leftovers. TBIS 2010 conference proceedings.7.吴利伟,王进美,陈志峰. 仿羊绒织物最佳混纺比的探讨. 2011(01),毛纺科技.8. Qian Jiang, Liwei Wu, Property enhancement of aligned carbon nanotube/polyimide composite by strategic prestraining, 2016,35(4):287-2949. Fa Zhang, Liwei Wu, Kun Luan. LabVIEW-based data acquisition system for loom performance assessment. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 182-183:392-395, 2012 .10. Fa Zhang, Liwei Wu, Yumin Wan, Rotich k.Gideon, Bohong Gu, Baozhong Sun. Numerical modeling of the mechanical response of basalt plain-woven composites under high strain rate compression. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2014,33(12),1087-110411. Zhenqian Lu, Liwei Wu, Bozhong Sun, Bohong Gu. Numerical simulation of the impact behaviors of shear thickening fluid impregnated warp-knitted spacer fabric. Composites Part B, 2015,69 191-200.12. 陆振乾,吴利伟,孙宝忠,顾伯洪. 经编间隔织物增强柔性复合材料冲击性能, 复合材料学报.13. Kun Luan, Fa Zhang, Liwei Wu, Quasi-static tensile properties and damage mechanism of Three-dimensional Angle-interlock Woven Composites. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 182-183:148-152, 2012.14. Rotich Gideon, Fa Zhang, Liwei Wu, Baozhong Sun, Bohong Gu. Damage behaviors of woven basalt unsaturated polyester laminates under low velocity impact. Journal of Composite Materials, 2015,49(17), 2103-211815. Baozhong Sun, Jinhua Wang, Liwei Wu, Fang Fang, Bohong Gu, Computational schemes on the bending fatigue deformation and damage of three-dimensional orthogonal woven composite materials, Computational Materials Science, 2014, 91: 91-10116.汪金花,方芳,杨格,吴利伟,孙宝忠. 三维正交机织复合材料低周弯曲疲劳力学性能有限元模拟, 复合材料学报. 2014,31(3): 797-802


2011.9-2014.12,东华大学,纺织材料与纺织品设计,工学博士;2008.9-2011.3 西安工程大学,纺织工程,工学硕士。
