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长期从事H.pylori的研究,熟悉本领域的最新研究进展,在H.pylori研究领域积累了大量经验并取得了很好的成绩、克隆和表达了H.pylori(NCTC11639株)的Lpp20、 Catalase、 UreaseA、 HspA、 UreaseB、 CagA、 NapA等主要保护性抗原,并在Genbank上登录(登录号分别是 DQ106902、DQ141574、DQ141577、DQ141575、DQ141576、DQ333889、DQ341279),鉴定了UreaseB、Lpp20、 Catalase和NapA的B细胞表位、T细胞表位及相关一些研究, 相应结果发表在《Helicobacter》、《Vaccine》、《BMC Immunology》、《BMC Biotechnology》、《Journal of Immunological Methods》和《World Journal of Gastroenterology》等杂志上。在过去几年里,主持2项国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.31070119和No.81470831)和1项广东省自然科学基金自由申请项目(No.S2011010006070)。在这些课题的资助下,鉴定了Lpp20的H-2d限制性的2个CD4+T细胞表位。考虑到人和小鼠MHC限制性的不同及小鼠H-2d限制性的表位可能不适用研发人类疫苗,目前申报人又在国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.81470831)的资助下,鉴定Lpp20的HLA限制性的免疫优势CD4+T细胞表位及其反应特征,并分析其与胃部疾病的相关性。另外,申报人还参与了“863”、“973”、国家自然科学基金等国家重大课题的研究,研究Notch信号通路在肿瘤发生发展及T细胞分化中的作用等,相应结果发表在《proteomics》、《Front Physiol》、《Funct Integr Genomics》、《Sci Report》、《Blood》和《Oncotarget》等杂志上。


1. Identification of two Lpp20 CD4+ T cell epitopes in helicobacter pylori-infected subjects. Front. Microbiol, 2018,9:884. doi: 10.3389fmicb.2018.00884. 2.Annonaceous acetogenins mediated up-regulation of Notch2 exerts growth inhibition in human gastric cancer cells in vitro. Oncotarget, 2017, 8(13):21140-21152, doi: 10.18632oncotarget.155023. Antibody production and Th1-biased response induced by an epitope vaccine composed of cholera toxin B unit and Helicobacter pylori Lpp20 epitopes. Helicobacter, 2016,21(3):234-48 doi: 10.1111hel.12268.4.Intron Ⅴ, not intronⅠof human thrombopoietin, improves expression in the milk of transgenic mice regulated by goat beta-casein promoter. Sci Report, 2015,5:16051,DOI: 10.1038srep160515.The last intron of the human thrombopoietin gene enhances expression in milk of transgenic mice. Funct Integr Genomics. 2014 14(1):229-36 6.Identification and characterization of H-2d restricted CD4+ T cell epitopes on Lpp20 of Helicobacter pylori. BMC Immunology, 2012, 13(1):68.7.Mimotopes selected with a neutralizing antibody against urease B from Helicobacter pylori induce enzyme inhibitory antibodies in mice upon vaccination. BMC Biotechnology, 2010, 10:84. 8.Production of Mouse monoclonal antibodies against Helicobacter pylori Catalase and mapping the antigenic epitope by phage display library. Vaccine, 2008, 26(9): 1263-1269. 9. Production of Mouse Monoclonal Antibodies against Helicobacter pylori Lpp20 and Mapping the Antigenic Epitope by Phage Display Library. Journal of Immunological Methods,2007,325 (1-2):1-8. 10. Alterations in Fecal Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium Species in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Southern China Population. Front Physiol. 20133:49611.Integrin PSI domain has endogenous thiol isomerase function and is a novel target for anti-platelet therapy. Blood. 2017,129(13):1840-1854. doi: 10.1182blood-2016-07-729400.
