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1. MEMS集成设计工具技术及应用,陕西省科学技术一等奖;2. 任意流程的微机电系统设计工具技术及应用,中国机械工业科学技术一等奖。


主要研究方向为微机电系统(mems)惯性传感器及其制造技术;主持国家自然科学基金、国家863计划、西安市科技计划等多项科研项目;主持制定mems制造技术国家标准1项;发表论文20余篇;申请国家发明专利25项,授权16项;出版专著1部。 1) jianbing xie, yongcun hao, qiang shen, honglong chang and weizheng yuan, a dicing-free soi process for mems devices based on the lag effect, journal of micromechanics and microengineering, 23 (2013) 125033, doi:10.1088/0960-1317/23/12/125033 (sci, ei)2) jianbing xie, qiang shen, yongcun hao, honglong chang, weizheng yuan, design, fabrication and characterization of a low-noise z-axis micromachined gyroscope, microsystem technologies, doi: 10.1007/s00542-014-2068-0, 2014(sci, ei)3) jianbing xie, weizheng yuan, honglong chang, design and fabrication of mems gyroscopes on the soi substrate with decoupled oscillation modes,chinese journal of mechanical engineering, vol 23. 2010(1). pp. 16-20. (sci, ei)4) jianbing xie, yongcun hao, honglong chang, weizheng yuan, single mask selective release process for complex soi mems device, key engineering materials, vol.562, pp1116-1121, 2013 (ei)5) xie jianbing, song meng, yuan weizheng , a high sensitivity micromachined accelerometer with an enhanced inertial mass soi mems process, proceedings of 8th ieee international conference on nano/micro engineered and molecular systems (nems), pp336-339, suzhou, china, 2013.04.07-10 (ei)6) jianbing xie,weizheng yuan,honglong chang,the application of notching effect in one-step dry etch and release process for the fabrication of mems,nanotechnology and precision engineering,vol 8. 2010(2). pp. 167-170. (ei)
