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1. 2008年重庆大学高水平期刊论文奖;2. 2009年重庆市优秀博士论文奖;3. 2009年重庆大学“黄尚廉院士青年教师创新奖”。4. 2013年重庆大学先进工作个人


◆发表的主要论文:[1]Xingpeng Zhang(硕士生), Dong Li, Xiaohong Zhang, Adaptive fuzzy impulsive synchronization of chaotic systems with random parameters, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2017(104):77-83 (SCI检索)[2]Dong Li ,Xingpeng Zhang,Impulsive synchronization of fractionalorder chaotic systems with time-delay,Neurocomputing 2016(216):39-44.(SCI检索)[3]Dong Li ,Xing-peng Zhang ,Yu-ting Hu,Yuan-yuanYang,Adaptiveimpulsive synchronization of fractional order chaotic system with uncertain andunknown parameters,Neurocomputing 2015(167):165~171.(SCI检索)[4] 李东,邓良明,杜永霞,杨媛媛,分数阶超混沌Chen系统和分数阶超混沌Rössler系统的异结构同步,物理学报,2012.60(5):050202 (SCI检索)[5] Dong Li(李东),Shilong Wang, Xiaohong Zhang, Dan Yang, Impulsivecontrol for permanent magnet synchronous motors with uncertainties: LMI approach,Chinese Physics B 2010.19. 010506(SCI检索)[6] 李东, 张小洪, 杨丹,王时龙, 参数不确定永磁同步电机混沌的模糊控制,物理学报2009.58.(3):1432-1440 (SCI检索)[7] Dong Li(李东),Shilong Wang, Xiaohong Zhang, Dan Yang, Hui Wang,Fuzzy impulsive control of permanent magnet synchronous motors, Chinese Physics Letters 2008.25(2):401-404 (SCI检索)[8] 李东, 张小洪, 杨丹, 王时龙, 参数不确定永磁同步电机混沌的模糊脉冲控制,物理学报,2009.58(5): 2939-2948 (SCI检索)[9] Dong Li(李东), Dan Yang, Hui Wang, Xiaohong Zhang, Shilong Wang,Asymptotical stability of multi-delayed cellular neural networks with impulsive effects,Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2008.388(1-2):218-224(SCI检索,EI检索)[10] Dong Li(李东), Shilong Wang, Xiaohong Zhang, Dan Yang, Impulsive control ofuncertain Lotka–Volterra predator-prey system, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2009.41(4):1572-1577 (SCI检索,EI检索)[11] Dong Li(李东), Shilong Wang, Xiaohong Zhang, Dan Yang, Hui Wang,Impulsive control of permanent magnet synchronous motors with parameters uncertainties, Chinese Physics B 2008.17(5):1678-1687(SCI检索, EI检索)[12] Dong Li(李东), Hui Wang, Dan Yang, Xiaohong Zhang, Shilong Wang,Exponential stability of cellular neural networks with multiple time delays and impulsive effects, Chinese Physics B 2008.17(11):4091-4099(SCI检索)
