胡劲松,男,副主任医师,硕士生导师。现任职于上海市东方医院胃肠外科。2000年毕业中南大学湘雅医学院。2010年外科学博士毕业。2013年复旦大学肿瘤医院博士后研究。2016年受国家公派赴美国,在全美排名第一的肿瘤医院,安德森肿瘤医院(MD Anderson cancer center)博士后研究学习。在国内外发表文章10余篇,国家专利一项。全国中西医结合普外科青年委员,中国研究型医院学会肿瘤外科专业委员会委员。
[1] Jinsong Hu,Liang shuo,Weijun Cao,Sanjun Cai.Meta-Analysis of Cytochrome P-450 2C9 Polymorphism and Colorectal Cancer Risk,PLOS ONE, 11:e49134, 2012.
[2] Hu J,Cai, G,Xu, Y,Cai, S,The Plasma microRNA miR-1914* and -1915 Suppresses Chemoresistant in Colorectal Cancer Patients by Down-regulating NFIX.,Curr Mol Med,2016,16(1):70-82。
[3] Hu, Jinsong,Xu, Ye,Cai, Sanjun,Specific microRNAs as novel biomarkers for combination chemotherapy resistance detection of colon adenocarcinoma.,Eur J Med Res,2015,20:95-95。
[4] Jinsong Hu, Haiyan Ge,Wei Gao,Chuangang Fu, JNK signaling regulates cytokines production and cell proliferation in human myofibroblast stimulated by TGF-β1.Cancer letter(under Review)
[5] Jinsong Hu,Dewu Zhong,Shuo Liang,Xiongyin Miao,GP73, a resident Golgi glycoprotein,is sensibility and specificity for hepatocellular carcinoma of diagnosis in a hepatitis B-endemic Asian population. Medical Oncology, 2010:27:339-345